Everything in this world is relative. And that one seems inappropriate, while others consider the norm. All is absolutely well.
When you look at these non-standard pairs can do is to exclaim: “How can they only managed to find each other?!”
1. “Yes, what my age!?”
Love for all ages.
2. They were worth from the beginning to sunbathe together..
Milk and milk chocolate
3. “And as for me, her figure is perfect!
“This appetizing, no!”
4. Everyone thinks she’s with him out of selfish motives, but in fact, it opens doors, pulls things from the top shelf, preparing and making more…
Uses high girlfriend.
5. A gray head, a demon in a rib!
That’s naughty
6. Not a flaw, and highlight!
“My man is perfect and unique!”
7. Men are strong, but we did not miss!
When the forces are equal.
8. “It’s just a little older!”
In the end, age is just numbers.
9. Aren’t they adorable!?
When love is not for looks.
10. To achieve the man, the guy replaced the floor!
A second chance at happiness.
11. It is difficult to find and easy to lose!
The giant and his Thumbelina.
12. They just love cats
The circle of interest.
13. It is immediately evident that the people, though strange, but on the same wavelength…
A striking couple.
14. Not Alain Delon, but what the woman in front of him.
Dwarf and spectacular friend.
15. “Do everything together: together in space, together in the Solarium…”
Adorable, similar to dried bananas.
16. We can’t all be princes and princesses!
Fiona and her Shrek.
17. In the hands of big strong women not afraid of anything!
When you can be small and weak.