
7 countries where people are more likely to suffer from cybercriminals

Experts in the field of cyber security has made a rating of countries most affected by cybercrime. Experts said that in recent years this issue has taken on a global scale.

Киберпреступность растет.

The damage from the activities of the network of criminals is truly colossal.

Cybercrime is growing.

1. China

В Китае хакеров наказывают огромными сроками.

In China hackers punished a huge time.

Most crimes were registered in China. Where the actions of hackers has suffered more than 353 million people. Collectively, they lost more than 66 billion U.S. dollars.

2. India

Жертвой злоумышленников в сети может стать любой пользователь.

A victim of hackers in the network can be any user.

On the second place in the sad rating was India. There with the hackers has faced no less than 186 million people in 2017. They lost 18.5 billion dollars of his fortune.

3. USA

В США в отношении хакеров едва ли не истерия.

In the US, the hackers almost hysteria.

In third position was the United States of America. The country is not far behind India, here the victims of cybercriminals are 143 million people. For a better understanding of the issue it is worth adding that in the case of USA is more than half the adult population of the state. They lost 19.5 billion.

4. Brazil

Власти предпринимают все более жесткие меры.

The authorities have taken increasingly tough measures.

In Sunny Brazil victims of criminals in a network of steel 62.2 million users. As a result of hacker attacks people lost more than 22.5 billion dollars. As in the US, the bulk of the crimes were carried out by means of computer viruses.

5. Indonesia

Число преступлений по всему миру растет стремительно.

The number of crimes around the world is growing rapidly.

Little wonder that such “information tiger” as Indonesia was among sad leaders of this rating. For 2017 here the victims of hackers were 59.2 million users, which has lost 3.2 billion dollars.

6. Mexico

Наибольшей популярностью пользуются вирусы-вымогатели.

The most popular viruses extortionists.

Unbelievable, but true. Was among the leaders in cybercrime and this country. Over the past year here robbed 33.2 million people. They had stolen more than 2.6 billion dollars. Again using viruses.

7. Germany

В Германии число преступлений с хищением данных ужасает.

In Germany, the number of crimes and the theft of data is appalling.

Closes seven antiliderov Germany. From hackers here have suffered at least 23.4 million of Internet users. In sum, they’ve lost 2.6 billion dollars. Special popularity in this country have ransomware.

Bonus: Russia

В России киберпреступность растет в разы год от года.

Russian cybercrime is growing significantly from year to year.

Russia is not among the countries-leaders in terms of cybercrime, but for the past 3-4 years, it is growing in the country continuously. Each year the number of such crimes increases in several times! Only IT sector has lost more than $ 16 million in 2017 from hacker attacks. This figure does not include damage incurred by the banks in ordinary citizens.

Continuing the theme , a hacker showed how much you can learn about any user in just one click of the mouse.

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