
Daily life in Russia, taken at the right time

Daily life of ordinary people is not devoid of charm. We just need to consider it. Professional photographers contest Best of Russia presented his vision of the Russian reality.

Daily life in Russia.

1. Childhood in the industrial city

A green oasis of childhood.

Зеленый оазис детства.

2. Victory at any cost

Слаженная командная работа.


3. Through thorns to the stars

Путь к успеху.

The path to success.

4. Three seconds of flight – the life here and now

Лови момент, радуйся, наслаждайся.

Seize the moment, rejoice, enjoy.

5. In the best traditions of stereotypes about Russia

Классика жанра: снега, флаг, медведь.

A classic of the genre: snow, flag, bear.

6. Guests of the cultural capital

На тле истории.

On aphid stories.

7. A spire piercing the sky…

Фантастический ночной пейзаж.

Fantastic night landscape.

8. What is not a reason to smile!?

Счастье в простых вещах.

Happiness in the simple things.

9. Everyone has a right to their own reality

Твори свою реальность!

Create your reality!

10. The Ghost of the past

Красный флаг.

Red flag.

11. The pride of the nation in white berets

Флот Владивостока.

The Fleet Of Vladivostok.

12. That’s what popularity

Островок, перенаселенный туристами.

Island overpopulated by tourists.

13. When work is a pleasure

Издержки работы осветителя.

The costs of the work of the illuminator.

14. Far from the MKAD and the Garden ring

Земля-матушка, земля-кормилица.

The earth-mother, the earth is the nurse.

15. And yet, beauty is a terrible force that has to defeat

Русская краса.

The Russian beauty.

16. We will go, we rush to the deer early in the morning!!!

Наездник и его олени.

The rider and his reindeer.

17. Fluffy bouquet of forget-me-nots

Счастье в ладонях.

Happiness is in your hands.

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