What could be easier than to hammer in a nail? It would seem, nothing complicated in this case. But the fact of the matter is plaster falling off, cracked boards, bent nails, and stray hammer toes.
Turns out, in practice it is not so easy as it might seem at first glance. So, try to understand the intricacies of driving nails.
How to do a simple thing correctly.
Each nail is a hammer
Begin with the selection tool.
Carpentry hammers are most often divided into four main types. The first is a MST-1 with grip 25-28 cm, the working part is 9 cm and weighing 250 grams. This hammer is designed for hammering mail order Wallpaper and nails, the length of which is 40 mm.
The second is MST-2 with arm length of 30-32 cm, working part 11 inches and weighing 500 grams. This hammer is suitable for driving where larger nails and is generally considered to be a versatile tool.
The third is a MST-3. This hammer is similar to MST-2, but it’s heavier. Weighs 800 grams. In practice performs the same tasks as the second.
Finally, the fourth hammer – MST-4 arm length in cm 35-37, working part up to 13 cm and a weight of 1 000 grams. This hammer is designed for driving the larger nails, the length of which exceeds 80 mm. It is also used for working with dowel-nails.
The main “secrets” and fine nailing
Secrets for beginners.
1. Start to hammer a nail is not strong movements. Sharp blows should be done only after there is confidence that the nail went right. The hammer should be held by the end of the handle. Try to look when driving on the nail head. Remember also that less shock will get the nail, the better the coupling.
2. When working with wood you need to ensure that the nail diameter does not exceed one quarter of the Board thickness.
3. To join two boards with nails you need to find a nail that will be able to flash the first Board and be at least a third of the second thickness. You can also improve the coupling scoring the nails at an angle to each other.
4. For better flotation you can lubricate the tip of the nail with soap or wax.
5. To ensure that the Board is not split, it is not recommended to hammer a lot of nails on the same line in close proximity to each other.
6. If you need to hammer a long nail into the thick wood hard rock should hold the nail close to the cap with pliers. If this is not done, it will likely pursue in the process of clogging.
7. If you want to install the fastener on the edge of the Board, it is necessary to pre-compact it place with a hammer and punch.
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