The study of the sales market is the most important preliminary stage of each business. First, decide in which district of the city your store will stand. This is important for its range and price level products. Walk around the shops and markets that exist in this area, observe what meat products are in demand, how many are certain categories of goods, whether there are passing products and in what amount.
Entering each store or shop, take a closer look not only to the products, but also to the seller. Act as buyers. Many of the sellers are willing to go to the contact and tell interesting details, which you will very useful later.
Meat is a product of daily demand, therefore the business based on its sales is a good idea. Of course, incomes, like those of oil and gas magnates, are not achieved here, but one can make good money, and most importantly, there is the opportunity to expand and grow. You always need to start somewhere. It is not necessary to form a whole trading network at once, financially this is not enough for anyone. Start with one store – attachments are small. So you will understand, whether this is your business of life and whether it is worth continuing.
After studying the sales, go to the suppliers . This is also an important point in this business, because meat and meat products must always be fresh, otherwise you will lose to competitors and will remain without customers.
You need to look for suppliers of meat in villages and farms located not very far from your butcher shop.
So the supplier (or yourself) will not spend a lot of money for transportation, and accordingly will not have to raise prices, and the meat will always be fresh, even in hot weather.
When negotiating for deliveries, it is necessary to discuss (and then write down in the contract) several main points:
- Procurement price for different types of meat.
- Weight preferences and restrictions on products (up to 250 kg).
- Age categories of the animal (preferably up to 1.5-2 years).
- A confirmation from the veterinary service about health.
- The frequency of supplies and the number of carcasses in each.
After that, you need to pick up a room, equip and hire staff. For one store, 3 people are enough: the seller, the meat chopper and the chef for the semi-finished products (if necessary). Cleaner is better to hire a contract with a cleaning company. Administrator and accountant at the beginning can act and the entrepreneur himself.
Investment size
The cost of the initial turnover will be formed of a number of factors, among which the main ones are: rent, equipment and purchase of meat.
Rent and equipment
On equipment including freezing and refrigerating chambers, refrigerated display case, meat grinder, equipment for cutting and cutting meat, scales, cash register, will take approximately 300 000 rubles. Rent depends on the city, area and area of the premises. On average, it costs 100-300 thousand rubles. The purchase of meat for a carcass of 200 kg will cost about 40,000 rubles.
- A lot of carcasses can not be taken at a time – the meat becomes airy and loses its market appearance.
- If the carcass weighs more than 300 kg, then the cow is old, and the meat will be stiff.
- Do not be tempted by too low a price, maybe the product is substandard or the animal hurted.
Advertising budget
Do not forget about such an expense item as advertising. You need to know about your store, so it’s necessary to hold a presentation, an open day, organize booklets distribution, leaflets, hang posters, arrange holiday discounts, invite to a tasting. This will take another 50-100 thousand rubles. In total, 700-900 thousand rubles will be needed at the initial stage.
On what can you save?
On the lease is easy to negotiate and arrange it in installments. The equipment can be bought second-hand, later with the profit it is gradually replaced with a new one. So the initial investment is reduced to 400 000 rubles.
It is necessary to provide for the spoilage of products , especially at first. The minus can be quite large if the meat mincer is not sufficiently qualified and does not cut meat properly. So with one carcass you can lose 10-20 kg. Experiments with the assortment can also be costly, a good, capable seller is needed here. It will be more correct to add this item to the item of initial expenses and to postpone 100,000 rubles for subsequent injections in the first month.
Step-by-step instruction
Getting acquainted with the market of sales, first of all, it is necessary to determine the assortment of products of the future store. Fashion for a certain type of meat can change. There is a seasonality, a rise in demand, especially before the holidays. This should be taken into account not only in the quantitative equivalent of the purchase, but also in varieties of meat products. In order not to be mistaken in the first month of work, it is better not to take for sale a rare type of products, but to follow the well-trodden path.
Recent statistical studies have shown that there is a rating of meat popularity, which is always in demand:
- Pork.
- Bird (chicken, duck, turkey).
- Beef (veal).
- Mutton.
In addition to the main product, directly meat, you will have and offal: kidney, liver, stomach, heart, etc. To expand the assortment of the store, you can collect soup kits, animal feeds, etc. from the waste when cutting carcasses. So your production will become non-waste, everything will go into action. Meat should always be fresh! Only then you can expect that the customer will become permanent.
To attract customers, you can use the bonus, for example, when buying meat at the request of the client, you can scroll mincemeat for free.
Having decided on the assortment, you can start choosing suppliers. At the same time it is desirable to make out the documents, because each permit is prepared in the middle month. Contracts with suppliers are signed after the documents for the store have been drawn up, and the premises will be ready for receiving the products.
If the opening of a butcher’s shop is the first step in the meat business for you, then it is desirable to find suppliers in advance. After that you need to dial staff. If there is no one in mind, contact the employment company, the labor exchange or simply submit an advertisement in the newspaper or via the Internet. In the requirements for candidates for the first place, expose the work experience, especially if this business is new to you. From the experience and qualification of the staff, the profitability of the meat shop depends not less than on the quality of the meat.
A place
To find a good place for a butcher’s shop is to provide him with good attendance. Separately, they will not go for meat, it is too pitiful for time and energy, so it is better to open your store next to the grocery store, even better – near the supermarket. However, in some of them already working meat shops, such proximity of the competitor you to anything.
The outlet should be surrounded by shops that sell household goods and products. You can not choose a room near entertainment.
People who come here, are unlikely to want to buy meat or minced meat. To the building of the store should fit convenient pavement paths and access roads. Ideally, if nearby there is free parking and a public transport stop.
Do not shoot a large area. This will increase costs, but not benefit. The assortment of meat shops is small, even if you join semi-finished products, sausages and smoked products. The main thing is that the premises correspond to the norms of SES, Rospotrebnadzor and fire safety.
You will need 4 separate zones:
- Shopping room.
- Department of preparation of semi-finished products.
- Room for cutting meat.
- Room for the manager.
It is advisable to hide the last two rooms from the buyer and provide only a showroom with showcases for review. It is very important to think over the lighting. The sales area should be very clean and well lit, otherwise the buyer will have doubts about the reliability of the store and the quality of the goods. A good marketing move is the opportunity for the buyer to see how the semi-finished products are made. If this happens before his eyes, there will be more confidence in the quality of the products. Of course, here everything should be at the highest level. If you are not ready for this, then this room is best hidden from the eyes of buyers.
Registration in the tax inspection will not take much time. There you register as an individual entrepreneur or an LLC (limited liability company). OOO is made out if you are going to work with a companion.
Further the following documents will be needed:
- A certificate from Rospotrebnadzor.
- Resolution of the fire department.
- Medical books for each employee.
- Help from a veterinarian about meat safety.
- The book of complaints and suggestions.
In the Licensing Chamber of the city you need to issue a license for trading in food . The reference is being prepared within a month, so it’s better to start preparing documents in advance. In order to receive this information, you must provide: a statement on the form, a copy of the registration of IP or LLC, copies of the constituent documents, certified by a notary. Note that the application must be submitted by the one to whom the store is registered.
It will take a certificate from the SES . It needs to be registered in the regional sanitary and epidemiological station. Inspectors with inspections will then go less often if they take this permission in a timely manner and have medical books with no overdue medical examinations. It will also require a contract for deratization and disinfestation once a month, without fail. To ensure that the inspectors are satisfied, staff must have special gloves and uniforms, tile floors in the premises for cutting meat and producing semi-finished products.
Check-list of opening
- Market research,
- Supplier search,
- Registration of LLC or IP,
- Choosing a room for rent,
- Repair of the premises (if necessary),
- Purchase of equipment,
- Conclusion of contracts for the supply of meat,
- Recruitment,
- Registration of necessary documents and permits,
- Drawing up the work schedule of the store,
- Advertising campaign,
- Purchase of meat,
- Verification, obtaining permission from the veterinary service,
- Opening of the store, presentation of the goods.
Is it profitable to open
Trade in meat and meat products can bring a very high income, if properly organized. Do not invest a lot of money in equipment at the first stage of promotion – to repel such investments will take more than a year. Revenue from a cost-effective meat shop is approximately 120,000 rubles a month. With good organization of work and regular customers, it will be quite stable.
You need to remember the seasonality of sales.
In the spring, many refuse meat during Lent. There’s nothing you can do, just need to buy less products. The profit will be filled at the May holidays, when the summer and shashlik season opens. In the summer, especially if it is hot, people buy meat is not very willing. Make an emphasis in the assortment for shish kebab and arrange with summer cafes about regular supplies.
With a small initial investment of 400-500 thousand rubles, you can recoup the store in 3-4 months.
Most of the profits at first are better to invest in the development and equipment. However, we must remember that each meat point has its highest level of sales. Trying to increase it – unprofitable, time-consuming, costly occupation. It is better to bring your first store to this level and open the next one, which, thanks to the already existing connections, experience and experience, will pay off even faster and will bring the same profit.