First of all, we must start with ourselves, says the hero of our article. It is necessary to understand whether you have an entrepreneurial vein or not. If you see in yourself the capacity for entrepreneurial activity, then start small and step by step, go ahead. And set yourself serious long-term tasks. This is the formula of business life.
Currently, the problem of garbage is most relevant. Solid domestic waste is becoming more and more. For example, in a large Russian city about 1,5 thousand tons of garbage are collected per day – 500 cars and 500 flights. At the same time, garbage sorting plants do not work in every city.
Ramil Ismagilov, the founder and general director of Ramon Ismagilov, one of the oldest waste sorting plants in the country, the Kazan Ecological Complex, told the portal to BIBOSS.
Where to start?
If we talk directly about the industry of removal, collection, burial and processing of solid household waste (MSW), then to start your business here and not make many mistakes at once, a person should have at least one year’s experience in hired positions in the sphere of housing and communal services , or somehow come into contact with their activities with this area – for example, working as a manager in a construction company. It is necessary to understand economic activity. And decide for myself: am I willing to work up to 20 hours a day in this complex industry?
If you have gained such experience and have an idea of how the participants of this market interact with each other, you can sit down to compile a business plan.
It should be noted that currently in the market of transportation and disposal of waste in Russia there is a difficult situation in connection with the adopted amendments to the federal 458th law «On Production and Consumption Wastes», which imply a sharp restriction of the number of operators responsible for the transportation and disposal of waste . The changes were to enter into force on January 1, 2017. The document refers to the selection on a competitive basis of a regional operator, with which the owners of facilities and land plots will be required to conclude a contract for the provision of services for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage. It is agreed that the operator will be selected on a competitive basis for a period of 10 years.
The regional operator will be responsible for the whole chain of waste management (collection, removal, processing, neutralization), and thus it will be possible to avoid the situation, when transport companies, receiving money for garbage disposal, send it to the nearest illegal landfills. But we are sure that this will lead to the creation of a monopoly, a single operator that will drive out all small companies from the market. And this, in turn, will lead to the lack of a competitive environment, and hence – to uncontrolled growth of tariffs for the population. 12 variants of the territorial scheme have been prepared in Tatarstan, it is proposed to create from one to five regional operators. We, the participants of the market, are actively participating in the creation of this scheme, we appeal to the government, to the «Popular Front», we hold round tables. will lead to the absence of a competitive environment, and hence – to uncontrolled growth of tariffs for the population.
12 variants of the territorial scheme have been prepared in Tatarstan, it is proposed to create from one to five regional operators. We, the participants of the market, are actively participating in the creation of this scheme, we appeal to the government, to the «Popular Front», we hold round tables. will lead to the absence of a competitive environment, and hence – to uncontrolled growth of tariffs for the population. 12 variants of the territorial scheme have been prepared in Tatarstan, it is proposed to create from one to five regional operators. We, the participants of the market, are actively participating in the creation of this scheme, we appeal to the government, to the «Popular Front», we hold round tables.
Ismagilov notes: it can not be said that there is no place in the market for a new player. You can start your business, but the market has its own specifics, complicated in connection with the above. Therefore, starting a business, you need to keep your finger on the pulse and carefully study everything that is happening on the market. Analyze the activities of competing firms, communicate with market participants, attend free events organized by ministries, executive authorities, business associations, and paid trainings, in which specialists who have worked for many years in this industry share their experience.
Investment size
To create an enterprise in the field of processing investments, more is required, in the field of collection and export – less.
Therefore, newcomers Ramil Ismagilov advises to start to collect secondary raw materials. This will require 1 million rubles. Obtain permission from the municipality, rent a small area, buy a 20-foot container for 300,000 rubles, install it, ennoble it (to justify the location of the inhabitants of the households – at least simply decorate with a fence and paint it in yellow or green, hang a sign) and buy from the public and nearby outlets raw materials – cardboard, paper, tin, plastic. Accept raw materials and resell to processors. Then, with the passage of time, it will be possible to switch to the transportation of raw materials, having bought the necessary special equipment. In the future, having accumulated funds and experience, it will be possible to try to enter the market of processing of raw materials, having built a factory and having purchased equipment.
Ramil Ismagilov, founder of the «Kazan Ecological Complex»
If you immediately decide to open a garbage recycling plant by the type of our «Kazan Ecological Complex», then you need 500 million rubles to work in a city with a population of at least 500 thousand people. Deep processing will require even more investment – 1 billion rubles, as it will concentrate under one roof many enterprises that produce from recycled products – paint and varnish, insulation and other materials. Deep processing is an excellent prospect, Europe has long been moving along this path, even in new types of products, for example, in PVC window frames, 30% of secondary raw materials are present. Over time, the need for deep processing is realized by all countries, as the packaging grows every year, and if we do not recycle it, we will simply choke on the garbage.
What will be the initial costs in the event that a waste sorting plant is created? On the construction of a waste sorting complex. First, you will need to rent or buy land, which will be located not less than 500 meters from the city. Secondly, to build on it a building that must have all the necessary communications (light, gas, water). The premise should correspond to norms of services of fire inspection, SES, electric supervision.
Third, you need to buy and install equipment in the building. The minimum required is a grinder, grinding household waste, a sorting line, a press, a storage bin, and a powerful industrial magnet. To save money, give preference to the technique of domestic production. As practice shows, it is very popular. Therefore, such equipment is quite suitable for active use. Another plus is the availability of parts in the event of a breakdown. Imported units repair expensive and difficult.
Fourth, you need to buy a special transport for the transportation of garbage.
Fifth, leave money for workers’ salaries, pay taxes and utilities, an advertising campaign. And also you will need to organize an office site – it can be located both on the territory of the plant and in the city.
Where can I get money to start a business? If you start with the collection of raw materials, and you do not have personal funds in the amount of 1 million rubles, you can try to take a loan from the bank. True, they will require a deposit, for example, in the form of an apartment or a car. In the support of entrepreneurship funds are mainly assisted by already operating businesses that have purchased equipment, have a business plan, a team, pay taxes. If you intend to open a plant, banks and leasing companies will meet only if you have at least 20% of the required amount and a good business plan. It is best in this case to find investors or partners.
Personal experience
I came to this business from the construction industry. The partners invited me in 2000 to Belgorod, where a garbage processing plant was being prepared for launch. I went, and I was delayed, the matter turned out to be very interesting. Then I called in Kazan and found out if there was such a factory here. There was nothing of the sort. I felt sorry for my native city, and the next project that we launched with partners was KEK. And now, with the example of the Kazan complex, we are presenting similar projects in other regions, we are interested to discover something similar in the cities of the Volga region.
Optimization of current expenses at the enterprise occurs on a daily basis. It can be diverse. For example, to motivate sorters on the conveyor to work more efficiently. You can use energy-saving lamps, upgrade the transport system.
Step-by-step instruction
So, the participants of the chain are, firstly, enterprises that collect, export, bury and process waste, secondly, management companies, HOAs, and thirdly, the controlling bodies – Rospotreznadzor, Rosprirodnadzor.
Becoming the head of the waste sorting plant, you will need to establish relations with special organizations that collect and transport garbage. There is no need to buy expensive «Kamaz» with special equipment and keep the staff of drivers. It is easier to declare a tender and conclude contracts with commercial organizations.
If we briefly describe the arrangement of the waste sorting plant, then everything is simple. Garbage collect waste from the yards and businesses of the city, and then bring them to the plant. Here, the garbage is dumped into the discharge hopper, from which it enters the drum-screen, which filters out small, raw and biological debris that can not be recycled. Garbage gets larger on the sorting conveyor, where the workers of the plant manually select different types of garbage, sending it to special storage: it’s cardboard, paper, film, PET bottles, colored cans of black metal, glass. Anything that does not fit a particular type is subject to disposal in excavations. The sorted waste from the storage is shipped, the cardboard and bottles are compressed at a special plant – and the ready recyclable materials are sent to the enterprises that process secondary raw materials.
What kind of staff do you need? The hero of our article says that it is best if your employees had previous experience in the field of housing and communal services. Even a sorter needs to hire a man who used to work as a janitor. Especially this applies to people hired on the position of managers. The specificity of this business implies the presence of almost 50% of human manual labor. Therefore, you will need quite a lot of people even at the stage of becoming a business. In general, the staff assumes the presence of the following employees: the chief of the production department, the technologist, the brigade of profile lines (sorters and others), the locksmith, the auxiliary workers, the drivers of cars and forklifts, the cleaning technicians, the accountant.
Our team is stable, we have many problems with finding new employees for many years. Many since 2000 with me. And this is about 100 people. But occasionally, when there is a need, we place vacancies, we conduct interviews. We have about 25 sorters and 8 tractor-operators, mostly residents of neighboring villages, and if one of them leaves, then in return they recommend their neighbors, acquaintances. We attract stability to our company: people know that they will receive a stable salary here for their work.
A place
A small factory will fit on an area of 600 square meters – this is both production areas and warehouses. But know that you need to rent land at least 15 hectares. The room should be located outside the city limits or in an industrial zone. It is best, as the owner of KEK, to build such a plant in the immediate vicinity of a large collection of household waste (landfill). So you minimize the costs of transporting garbage directly to the place of its recycling. In this case, the plant should be located as far as possible from residential buildings, otherwise you will not be given permission to build it.
The territory of the KEK is 8 hectares for a waste sorting complex and 18 ha for foundation pit. The plant has three trenches 6 meters deep, where trash is disposed of. On average, KEK sorts out 300 tons of waste per month.
First you will need to reconcile your business plan with the municipal entity. It must give its consent. After this, it is necessary to begin construction of the waste sorting complex. When the construction is completed, it is necessary to apply for a license to Rosprirodnadzor, where they are examined for 40 days. Then you need to determine the tariff (the cost of their services – for a ton of waste that you will bring) and protect it in the tariff committee. If a license is received, you can easily start advertising by hiring the necessary specialists in this field.
You will also need an entrepreneur’s registration card, a statement on the state of registration in the tax inspection, the permission of the land department to use the land for the plant, the permit of the sanitary and epidemiological station, fire control, the ecological center of the region, and electrical supervision.
It is best to open an enterprise in the form of an LLC, executed by a legal entity, as it is presumed that there are business partners and investing large amounts of money.
Check-list of opening
- The analysis of the market and competitors (assortment, prices, demand, personnel, etc.),
- Search for a plot of land,
- Evaluation of the rental location, the choice of the best option,
- Obtaining permission from the municipality and signing a lease agreement,
- Registration of LLC or CJSC, registration with the tax inspection,
- Construction of a waste sorting complex,
- Purchase of equipment, machinery, installation,
- Obtaining a license and all necessary permits, protection of tariffs,
- Staff search, interviewing, selection of candidates, scheduling shifts,
- Concluding an agreement with suppliers and contractors,
- Development of advertising strategy,
- Beginning of work.
Is it profitable to open
Exit to the point of «zero» will occur in a period of 5 to 6 years. Pay off the business will start on average in 7-8 years. It depends on many factors – both internal (how effectively you can organize your business) and external ones: for example, if in the event of an economic crisis enterprises fail, you can no longer serve the same amount as before.
Affects business and seasonality factor. By weight, most garbage enters the wet season – in autumn and spring, in rainy time. A large stream of garbage goes on New Year’s holidays, when people rest at home, and in April-May, when the cleaning of the city begins. Summer recession, as many people leave the city.
At the beginning of the work, the main risks may be a small turnover of raw materials on individual lines of the plant, downtime. Most of all, you run the risk if you start your business without having the necessary knowledge and experience in this area.