
Automobile complex for sale in Moscow region

The price is reduced !!! Automobile complex for sale in Moscow region

Fixed cost 10 000 000 PUB.

Average monthly turnover 1 700 000 rub

Monthly profit 400 000 rub

Payback35 months.

Your personal manager

Basic information
Name The price is reduced !!! Automobile complex for sale in Moscow region
Industry Auto business
Industry Car Wash
Industry Car service
Industry Auto Shops
Size of investment up to 10,000,000 rubles
Produced products, types of services car service, car wash, auto parts
Term of business existence 4 years
The number of employees 20
Managers 1
Organizational and legal form FE
Region Russia
City Moscow region
Reason for selling a business family circumstances
Number of owners of shares (shareholders) 1
Financial picture
Fixed cost of business 10 000 000 rubles.
Average monthly turnover 1 700 000 rubles.
Monthly profit 400 000 rubles.
Fixed assets
The property The complex is located 20 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Novorizhskoe highway, a leased space of 600 square meters for service and 200 square meters for a car wash and spare parts, the total rental rate is 320,000 rubles + 30,000 rubles utilities.
Additional Information
Additional Information Sale autocomplex in the MO. The car center includes a car parts store, a car wash for 2 cars and a car wash.
Car service is fully equipped with all necessary (3 lifts, 3 pits, paint camera, a lot of hand tools). The auto parts store is located on the second floor above the car wash. Staff: 20 employees, FOT is 750,000 rubles. The complex exists for 4 years, a large client base has been developed, and there is a website.

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