
Car disassembly business

The price is reduced !!! Car disassembly business

Fixed cost 2 300 000 P.

Average monthly turnover900 000 rub

Monthly profit300 000 rub

Payback8 months.

Your personal manager


Basic information
Name The price is reduced !!! Car disassembly business
Industry Auto business
Industry Car service
Size of investment up to 4,000,000 rubles
Term of business existence 3 years
The number of employees 2
Managers 1
Organizational and legal form FE
Region Russia
City Moscow
Administrative District HLW
Metro station Novokosino
Reason for selling a business Personal circumstances
Financial picture
Fixed cost of business 2 300 000 rubles.
Average monthly turnover 900 000 rubles.
Monthly profit 300 000 rubles.
Fixed assets
The property Rented premises of 186 m2, rental rate 59 500 rubles per month.
Additional Information
Additional Information The current business for disassembling BMW and AUDI cars is sold, as well as the sale of auto parts to them, located in the Novokosino metro area in the warehouse area. Equipment: 2 lifts, pneumatic tool, gun, all necessary tools for disassembly, dealer diagnostic equipment (BMW and Audi). There is a site included in the Top-10 for key queries, a base of loyal customers has been established. Staff: 1 seller, 1 parser. The cost of business also includes a commodity balance of about 6,500,000 rubles.

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