
Car wash in the municipality of Pr.Vernadsky in the property

Car wash in the municipality of Pr.Vernadsky in the property

Fixed cost 50 000 000 PUB.

Average monthly turnover ofrubles

Monthly profit300 000 rub

Payback166 months.

Your personal manager


Basic information
Name Car wash in the municipality of Pr.Vernadsky in the property
Industry Auto business
Industry Property in the property
Industry Lease business
Industry Car Wash
Size of investment from 10 000000 rubles
Term of business existence 13 years
Organizational and legal form Ltd
Region Russia
City Moscow
Administrative District SWAD
Metro station Vernadsky avenue
Reason for selling a business Urgent need for funds.
Financial picture
Fixed cost of business 50 000 000 rubles.
Monthly profit 300 000 rubles.
Fixed assets
The property The total area of ​​the building is 213.6 sq.m. in the property.
Additional Information
Additional Information The current car wash for 2 posts + tire fitting with a room for storage of tires with an area of ​​213.6 square meters is being sold. in the property. Located in a separate building in the metro area Prospect Vernadsky. Around a large residential area. There is a convenient parking in front of the sink, enclosed by a barrier on the remote control. There are rooms for storing tires, a room for the living of workers washing. Equipped with everything necessary for work.Constant demand for services, all year round. Protected territory. One of the most important points is the possibility of building a floor in an area of ​​300 square meters. m (very profitable project!). The reason for selling a business is an urgent need for money. At the moment, washing was leased (working since 2006) for 300 thousand rubles. per month.

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