
Profitable car service, Kashirskoye sh

Profitable car service, Kashirskoye sh.

Fixed cost 3 490 000 P.

Average monthly turnover315 000 rub

Monthly profit175 000 rub

Payback period of20 months.

Your personal manager

Kirill A

Basic information
Name Profitable car service, Kashirskoye sh.
Industry Auto business
Industry Lease business
Industry Car service
Size of investment up to 4,000,000 rubles
Produced products, types of services The types of services provided: locksmithing, painting, tire fitting, demolition, computer diagnostics.
Term of business existence 10
The number of employees 7th
Managers 1
Organizational and legal form Ltd
Region Russia
City Moscow
Administrative District SAD
Metro station Nagatinskaya
Reason for selling a business change in business
Number of owners of shares (shareholders) 1
Financial picture
Fixed cost of business 3 490 000 rubles.
Average monthly turnover 315 000 rubles.
Monthly profit 175 000 rubles.
Fixed assets
The property The area of ​​420 square meters. m., Rent rate 110 000 rubles, including all utility bills.
Means of production The service is fully equipped: 3 lifts, spray booth, stand-out demolition, auto-computers, tools in full set.
Additional Information
Additional Information A lucrative car service is on sale, in the area of ​​the intersection of Kashirsky and Warsaw Highways, in the territory of the plant, in a separate building. The staff is fully staffed: a manager, 3 locksmiths, 2 painters, an accountant, a cleaner.Service more than 10 years, the established base of loyal customers. There is own untwisted site. At the moment the service is fully leased to two tenants for 315 000 rubles, the profit is 175 000 rubles.

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