
Profitable driving school near metro station Preobrazhenskaya Square

The price is reduced! Profitable driving school near metro station Preobrazhenskaya Square.

Fixed cost
2 450 000 PUB.

Average monthly turnover550 000 rub

Monthly profit200 000 rub

Payback12 months.

Your personal manager


Basic information
Name The price is reduced! Profitable driving school near metro station Preobrazhenskaya Square.
Industry Auto business
Industry Driving schools
Size of investment up to 4,000,000 rubles
Produced products, types of services Driving school
Term of business existence 12
The number of employees 12
Managers 1
Organizational and legal form Ltd
Region Russia
City Moscow
Administrative District HLW
Metro station Transfiguration Square
Reason for selling a business relocation
Number of owners of shares (shareholders) 1
Financial picture
Fixed cost of business 2 450 000 rubles.
Average monthly turnover 550 000 rubles.
Monthly profit 200 000 rubles.
Fixed assets
The property The premise is rented in a business center with an area of ​​45 m2, the rental rate is 34 500 rubles.
Means of production There is all necessary equipment
Certificates, licenses Received perpetual license
Additional Information
Additional Information Sale Driving School, located in the east of Moscow, near the metro Preobrazhenskaya Square. The school is 12 years old, an excellent reputation has been established. There are 4 own sites, an active advertising company is being conducted. The company employs 12 experienced instructors, a piece-rate form of payment. The work process is established and does not require a permanent presence of the owner.

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