Profitable gas station 30 km from Moscow. Property in the property.
Fixed cost 75 000 000 PUB.
Average monthly turnover580 000 rub
Monthly profit580 000 rub
Payback129 months.
Your personal manager
Basic information | |
Name | Profitable gas station 30 km from Moscow. Property in the property. |
Industry | Auto business |
Industry | Gas station |
Size of investment | from 10 000000 rubles |
Term of business existence | 6 years |
The number of employees | 7th |
Managers | 1 |
Organizational and legal form | Ltd |
Region | Russia |
City | Moscow region |
Reason for selling a business | non-core asset |
Financial picture | |
Fixed cost of business | 75 000 000 rubles. |
Average monthly turnover | 580 000 rubles. |
Monthly profit | 580 000 rubles. |
Fixed assets | |
The property | The land plot is 2 400 sq.m. and an operator area of 286 sq.m. are owned |
Means of production | There are 5 underground tanks x20 tons (95, 92, 80 and dt), 2×6 GILBARCO sleeves and 1×4 GILBARCO sleeve columns in the operator’s building. |
Additional Information | |
Additional Information | The Automobile Refueling Station is located 30 km from Moscow at the intersection of two federal routes: the Kiev highway with traffic of 45 thousand cars a day and CKAD (MMK) with traffic of 35 thousand cars a day. The gas station is located within the urban settlement, which is a large customs center (there are several terminals in the territory, their total capacity is about 500 trucks per day), there is also a shopping center and a market complex in the environment, which provides additional powerful traffic for customers, which must be taken into account when calculating straits. The gas station is connected to all central communications (water supply, sewerage, sewerage, heat supply), allocated electric power 70 kW. The average strait per day: 95 – 3 tons, 92 – 4 tons, DT – 7 tons. The business is 6 years old, at the moment the gas station is leased for 580 000 rubles. |