
Profitable parking service near the airports of Moscow

Profitable parking service near the airports of Moscow.

Fixed cost 250 000 000 PUB.

Average monthly turnover10 500 000 rub

Monthly profit3 000 000 rub

Pay back83 months.

Your personal manager


Basic information
Name Profitable parking service near the airports of Moscow.
Industry Auto business
Industry Services and Services
Industry Transport and services
Industry Other transportation services
Size of investment from 10 000000 rubles
Produced products, types of services The company places cars of tourists on budgetary parking near to the airports of Domodedovo, Vnukovo and Sheremetyevo and provides a transfer to the airport and back.
Term of business existence 5
Organizational and legal form Ltd
Region Russia
City Moscow
Financial picture
Fixed cost of business 250 000 000 rubles.
Average monthly turnover 10 500 000 rubles.
Monthly profit 3 000 000 rubles.
Additional Information
Additional Information A profitable parking service is available near Moscow airports. The company places cars of tourists on budgetary parking near to the airports of Domodedovo, Vnukovo and Sheremetyevo and provides a transfer to the airport and back. The business is more than 5 years old, during this time, an excellent reputation in the tourism sector has been earned (a well-known, high-tech brand), more than 24,000 club customers (cost of joining the club from 300 rubles), more than 200,000 cars (200 trips daily), a strong young team (70 employees + have their own call-center, which processes 16,000 calls per day). The work process is fully automated: a unified online work system has been created, to which all major business processes, employees and customers are connected; There is an opportunity to monitor the movement of funds from the client’s payment online before the issuance of dividends. The company has its own vehicle fleet for 10 cars (all equipment is updated in 2016), the current leased space allows you to accommodate in the “season” up to 2000 cars at a time. In 2017, it is planned to expand existing areas to meet demand for 100% and open its own parking lots near the airports Ramenskoye and Pulkovo. Turnover for the last 12 months amounted to 124,845,980 rubles. (a high figure, considering in this period the temporary cessation of air communication with Turkey and Egypt (about 50% of the tour)), net profit of 34 064 157 rubles. (everything is documented!). The current leased space allows you to accommodate up to 2000 cars in a “season” at a time. In 2017, it is planned to expand existing areas to meet demand for 100% and open its own parking lots near the airports Ramenskoye and Pulkovo.Turnover for the last 12 months amounted to 124,845,980 rubles. (a high figure, considering in this period the temporary cessation of air communication with Turkey and Egypt (about 50% of the tour)), net profit of 34 064 157 rubles.(everything is documented!). The current leased space allows you to accommodate up to 2000 cars in a “season” at a time. In 2017, it is planned to expand existing areas to meet demand for 100% and open its own parking lots near the airports Ramenskoye and Pulkovo. Turnover for the last 12 months amounted to 124,845,980 rubles. (a high figure, considering in this period the temporary cessation of air communication with Turkey and Egypt (about 50% of the tour)), net profit of 34 064 157 rubles. (everything is documented!). taking into account during this period the temporary cessation of air communication with Turkey and Egypt (about 50% of the tour)), net profit of 34 064 157 rubles.(everything is documented!). taking into account during this period the temporary cessation of air communication with Turkey and Egypt (about 50% of the tour)), net profit of 34 064 157 rubles. (everything is documented!).

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