
Sale of car wash in SWAD

Sale of car wash in SWAD (premise in the property)

Fixed cost
29 500 000 P.

Average monthly turnover ofrubles

Monthly profit250 000 rub

Payback104 months.

Your personal manager

Basic information
Name Sale of car wash in SWAD (premise in the property)
Industry Auto business
Industry Property in the property
Industry Car Wash
Size of investment from 10 000000 rubles
Term of business existence 12 years
Managers 1
Organizational and legal form Ltd
Region Russia
City Moscow
Administrative District SWAD
Metro station Vernadsky avenue
Reason for selling a business Presence of another project
Number of owners of shares (shareholders) 1
Financial picture
Fixed cost of business 29 500 000 rubles.
Monthly profit 250 000 rubles.
Fixed assets
The property The premise is a total area of ​​250 square meters in property.
Means of production The car wash is fully equipped with all necessary equipment and utilities. Layout: 2 washing posts, post of tire fitting, room for staff, customer room, technical rooms, c / a.
Additional Information
Additional Information A profitable car wash with a premise in the property, located in a large residential area near Lobachevsky street, is being sold. This place has been working for 12 years. At the moment, the car wash room is rented for 250,000 rubles a month + utility bills

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