
Sink for 5 posts in the property

The price is reduced !!! Sink for 5 posts in the property

Fixed cost 60 000 000 PUB.

Average monthly turnover ofrubles

Monthly profit600 000 rub

Pay back140 months.

Your personal manager


Basic information
Name The price is reduced !!! Sink for 5 posts in the property
Industry Auto business
Industry Property in the property
Industry Lease business
Industry Car Wash
Size of investment from 10 000000 rubles
Term of business existence 7 years
Organizational and legal form Ltd
Region Russia
City Moscow
Administrative District HLW
Metro station Transfiguration Square
Number of owners of shares (shareholders) 4
Financial picture
Fixed cost of business 60 000 000 rubles.
Monthly profit 600 000 rubles.
Estimated cost of business in US dollars $ 1,350,000
Fixed assets
The property Premises with a total area of ​​700 m2 in the property. Land in a long lease for 49 years.
Additional Information
Additional Information The existing car complex is in the ownership of a total area of ​​700 m2, located on the 1st floor of a multi-level parking lot, on the 1st line of houses in the metro area of ​​Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad. The complex includes: a sink for 5 posts, tire service, car service, cafe. Fenced territory, a large turntable. There is outdoor advertising on the facade of the building. The allocated power is 120 kW. Land in a long lease for 49 years. The complex is equipped with everything necessary for work. Currently rented for 600 000 rubles. per month.

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