Novosibirsk zoo R. A. awl added to its collection of animals: it settled Chinese Goral, listed in the international Red book.
Flown to Novosibirsk to male Goral’s not even two years
Young male arrived to Novosibirsk from Paris. “Born in June 2016 Chinese Goral imported accompanied by appropriate veterinary certificates,” – said today, may 10, the press service of Rosselkhoznadzor for the Novosibirsk region.
In Novosibirsk zoo correspondent NGS confirmed that the first of these animals in their collection was not – this individual was the first.
Reference: Oriental (Chinese, Amur Goral) – cloven-hoofed mammal of the subfamily goatee, stocky animal with grayish color, the dark stripe along the spine and a short, curved back horns. These rare animals inhabit mountain forests in South-Eastern Russia Khabarovsk and Primorsky regions, in the North-Eastern China and the Korean Peninsula. Eat grass, leaves, acorns and other fruits, winter eat thin branches, more rarely – pine needles, lichens, and fungi. Goral is listed in the international Red book as endangered species.
A few days ago the Novosibirsk zoo R. A. awl showed to visitors the Himalayan newborn cubs: they were born in January, but until recently were not available for observation.