Day may 4 on Lenin square in the Central area of Novosibirsk have removed all the parked cars.
With the square removed all the parked cars
According to the observations of the correspondent of NSA, the vehicles were removed from the area at about 12:00.
“There will be a scene, a place is prepared for installation of the stage, so cleaned the car”, – explained the correspondent of the NSAs inspector of the group of propaganda of traffic police in Novosibirsk Vladislav Savchenko.
Military planned on Krasny Prospekt in Novosibirsk two rehearsal of the Victory Parade. 5 may, Saturday, the movement will block from 7 am to 15:30, and may 7, Monday, from 18:00 to 22:30.
NGS has prepared a scheme of overlapping these days. In addition, in connection with the rehearsals will temporarily change the movement of public transport.
In mid-April held at the military airport in Tolmachevo the first training of the mechanized column parade. She will pass on Lenin square in the Victory Day. It was attended by members of the 41st combined arms army Central military district.