
From under the asphalt in the Leninsky district got a huge boulder

On asphalt street Dukach in the Leninsky district of Novosibirsk there was a 30-centimeter bulge – it makes it difficult to travel to the drivers near the bus stop “Baza metrostroya”.

Очевидец сфотографировал дефект на асфальте вечером 6 мая

the Eyewitness took a photo of the defect on the pavement the evening of may 6

Stone hill appeared from under the asphalt about two weeks ago – he gradually became more and more told the NHS the eyewitness Eugene Igishev. According to his observations, the height of the convexity is almost 30 centimeters.

“I was hoping for, thought maybe the road service still will do something. And there is a lump present, if anyone knows? Can fly <…> are There to drive cars fast, and if someone does not have time to see in the middle of this block, just might be killed – and all” – described the situation Eugene Igishev.

According to him, the street Dukach road service repaired about four or five years ago. “Where did this lump come from? Like she’s specifically put in there, she gradually got all straight out,” says the eyewitness.

Correspondent NGS sent a request to the press centre of the mayoralty of Novosibirsk with the request to clarify if there were any plans in the near future to repair the road with this defect.

A bulge formed in the middle of the roadway

The height has seemed from-under asphalt the boulders – almost 30 inches

Bump in the road makes it difficult to travel drivers

A few days earlier the NHS wrote about the hole in the street Tatyana Spinoy, which again appeared on the road, despite recent repairs.

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