
Jupiter is approaching: the city’s residents will be able to see in the sky a huge planet

In binoculars or a small telescope you can consider the disk of the planet and the major moons of Jupiter – IO, Ganymede, Europa and Callisto

В полевой бинокль или в небольшой телескоп можно рассмотреть диск планеты и основные спутники Юпитера - Ио, Ганимед, Европу и Каллисто

At night on may 9, Jupiter goes into opposition with the Sun and is at a minimum distance from the Ground.

During the confrontation of the Sun with Jupiter between them on one line is the Ground.

“Now the planet is in opposition, that is, the distance from Earth to Jupiter is minimal, although still very large – about 658 million kilometers. Jupiter is well visible in the months around the point of confrontation, then he starts to move away from the Earth and becomes less bright,” – said the correspondent of the NGS Deputy Director of the Novosibirsk planetarium in scientific and methodical work of Ilya Orlov.

Under a clear sky Jupiter will be perfectly visible all night: in the evening in the Eastern sky, in the middle of the night – at an altitude of 19 degrees above the horizon in the South, in the morning, until about 5:00 in the West. In binoculars or a small telescope you can consider the disk of the planet and the major moons of Jupiter – IO, Ganymede, Europa and Callisto, explained the astronomer. He noted that Jupiter is always visible to the naked eye, even in opposition, it is the third brightest after the moon and Venus, the object of the night sky.

“With good weather, a Large Novosibirsk planetarium invites astronomy fans may 8 at 20:30 on the evening astronomy program,” added Orlov.

Last month the city’s residents were able to witness another celestial phenomenon – a meteor shower Lerida.

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