
Tax freedom

The Finance Ministry plans to start this tax in some regions as a pilot project to develop an application in which each month would be reflected income and could pay the tax, but more information on how this will work actually, at the moment.

Assistant Professor of public Finance NSUEM Roman life believes that such a proposal sends a couple of years ago to the statement of the Chairman of the Russian government Olga Golodets that the state does not see the income of some part of the population.

And at that time it was close to 50% of the population.

“If you and I go to work, the employer pays us a salary, withhold personal income tax, insurance contributions to the pension system, everything can be seen. And 50% of the state does not see how they live. It is clear that this is wrong, because I still want to qualify for the municipal kindergartens, for free medical care – all free of charge, but taxes do not pay. When began to find out why so it turned out that part of the population is working, as is customary among the people to speak for themselves: someone taxi, someone has free tutoring services, apartment rents, and so on. Such people are difficult to calculate, difficult to collect taxes. In order to do this, just came out with this initiative”, – says Roman way.

Often the tax return serves those who receive income from the sale of property – apartments, land, house, villas, car

He supports this idea, explaining that taxes should pay for all: it is impossible that one part of the population lived at the expense of the other, the tax system should be socially equitable. The novel offers a way to make it proportionate, so that those who earn more, pay more too, but don’t see any mechanism by which to collect taxes from self-employed people, and considers this controversial question.

The Director of the consulting Association “Preventiva” in Novosibirsk Ekaterina Leshchenko sure that the tax culture and the responsibility in our country has not yet reached such a level that the citizens voluntarily gave part of their income to the state and the question is not even in the tax rate, and the lack of basic knowledge of their rights and responsibilities.

“Also not the last role plays a lack of confidence regarding the target use of the population collected from taxes. Often, this position is justified by narrow-minded opinion of a series of “budget still stolen” or “I have a small income to share with the state,” and sometimes even bragging their talents in terms of “tax optimization” and the like. Today often the only way to make to calculate the tax on the income of self-employed and also receiving additional income, is the fear of “being caught” and the basic tax control measures: letters, claims, counter-check, on”, adds Catherine Leshchenko.

Catherine Leshchenko believes that the Russian tax culture and responsibility have not yet reached such a level that the citizens voluntarily gave part of their income to the state

She divided customers, reporting of income received for the year, six groups. First, the most basic – those who submit Declaration in receipt of income from the sale of property: apartments, land, house, villas, car. This source of income is easy to tax control, because all the information on registration actions with the real estate, a motor vehicle is transferred from the bodies of Rosreestr and the STSI in the IRS. The second group – those who are engaged in advocacy activities, which is very transparent from the point of view of tax control.

The third group is those who receive income from operations with securities; fourth, some categories of foreign citizens who received income from sources in Russia. The fifth received income in the form of winnings from participation in lotteries, sweepstakes: for them, the reporting and payment of taxes is inevitable, because the organizers are obliged to transmit this information to the IRS. And sixth, the smallest population category, those who received income from rental property: apartments, cars.

Private practicing psychologist Eugene Dashkova year ago left official place of work (from University) and now works only for himself. He says he thinks about the need of employment that will be easier, for example, to travel abroad or arrange a mortgage. She thought about registration, but everything is complicated now, demanding the cash register, which is expensive. It is ready to pay taxes if there will be similar difficulties.

“Especially if there is a single tax, and as great as 3%, and the app, I would have gladly paid taxes and worked legally. The question, of course, is the honesty of people, if they will make all monthly income in the application. I think people will try to pay less, as, in fact, happening: we all know that not everything is going vbeluyu. But then at least something will be paid vbeluyu, though some taxes will come. Moreover, more and more people who want to pay taxes,” – says Evgeny Dashkov.

He gives an example: the standard advice she is worth 1800 rubles, 3% to 54 rubles. “No problem. Even 100 rubles, you can give if 6%. I would have signed up immediately and paid for all clients because it is beneficial to: my salary is considered, pension contributions are. I think that is a small price to pay for peace of mind.”

Psychologist Eugene Dashkova believes the proposed rates are good and ready to remit taxes to each of the consultation through the app

Catherine Leshchenko does not understand what is called the rate of “No economic justification, no basic logical explanation. Like and understand the desire to make more permissive conditions than for the officially registered individual entrepreneurs, but then the reservation about a rate of 6%, which automatically puts the self-employed in a less advantageous situation than IP.”

Individual entrepreneur, in addition to the tax under the simplified system of taxation at the rate of 6% (the minimum rate with the exception of Crimea, which has 3% and the maximum under the simplified tax system – 15%) and even pays insurance premiums to the Pension Fund, which gives him a minimal, but guaranteed pensions in the future. These contributions enable the entrepreneur to reduce his estimated tax for the USN from the received income.

The authors noted that the rate chosen will not compete with the USN, but it turns out that the benefit for freelancers in this case controversial.

Saw themselves self-employed, for example, the wizard scrapbooking, host and organizer of the games Jeanne Bessonova: “the Bill is good because self-employed people are given a chance to stay in the legal field. In the environment of handicraftsmen is a very sore subject that many are afraid that their low-income hobby can lead to problems with the law. Register SP is expensive and pointless if you don’t have on a regular basis big profits. Cons: if will remain the standard required payments, how does this differ from entrepreneur? And if you leave necessarily cash car it is also expensive that not everyone can afford”.

Jeanne Bessonova says that among the handicraftsmen, artists income is not always stable, especially when just starting to do this. And sees the complexity in the calculation wizard. If the tutor is hourly or per lesson, the masters need to spend not only time but money on materials.

Jeanne Bessonova registered SP for carrying out quests, but it allows her to do other activities

“For example, a programmer or designer gets the money for the project. They spend time and rukodelnichat still have money to spend on materials, so it is very difficult to find the right taxation. Received for work 5000 rubles, pay that amount to 3%. But the manufacturer spent 2500 rubles. So there is need to think about the system of “income – consumption”,” suggests the wizard.

While Jeanne herself Bessonova has registered an IE when I bought the franchise for the quests: “I pay 6% of income on STS, but if you pay all required premiums directly during the year, you don’t pay the 6%. That is about 30 thousand rubles is required only in a year.”

Therefore, the novel shumyatsky says 3% feasible burden, especially compared to the 13% personal income tax. Catherine Leshchenko just such a comparison seems strange, because, in her opinion, leaves a huge difference in rates on earnings, in fact, from similar types of activities.

“Why does the teacher in the school needs to pay from his salary 13% and for tutoring at home the same teacher pays 3%? And it seems to be humanly understandable desire of the officials to bring out of the shadows any income, as the saying goes, “every little helps”, but I fear that such issues may arise, the majority of employed citizens. And Chapter 23 of the RF tax code “the Tax to incomes of physical persons” may eventually undergo significant changes,” says Catherine Leshchenko.

Both experts agree that in any case, the issue tracking revenues remains open, and trudnoreshaemyh.

Freelancers represent themselves another problem: if in the future will track the completion card, how to differentiate, how much money did for work and what, for example, transferred to relatives. Experts and self-employed agree that not everyone will want all their income.

“We return to the question of responsibility of the Russian mentality. It takes years. And even the proposal of the legislators on “tax kesbeke” as a way of self-regulation in this market are unlikely to give the result. We even marketing not very well take root in the format “refer a friend – get a discount”, and form a kind of denunciation or squealing for good reasons, which is very organically exists in European and American society, quite alien to the Russian people” – sums up Leshchenko.

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