In Novosibirsk the former nurse city children’s clinical hospital No. 4 was fined for beating baby-objector. Today, may 8, Leninsky district court issued a verdict under part 1 of article 238 of the RF criminal code (rendering services not meeting requirements of safety of life or health of consumers).
In the hospital conducted an official investigation
“A judicial fine amounted to 15 thousand rubles,” – told the correspondent of NGS in the Prosecutor’s office of Leninsky district.
The incident at children’s clinical hospital № 4 took place on 8 April. Then the patient of the maternity ward Tatiana Bojarshinova has uploaded the video, which depicted the mistreatment of eight-month-old girl otkatnye.
In the video, the hospital worker slapped the child’s hand on the head and then thrown on the bed. After that, the woman several times approached the girl and threw her on the bed.
After publishing the video the Investigative Committee for the Novosibirsk region opened a criminal case, and the girl handed over to the orphanageto finding adoptive parents.