
This is a cruel joke

On 7 may, shortly after the inauguration of the President became known to the government of the Russian Federation. One of Vice-premiers was Vitaliy Mutko: who previously held the post of Minister of sports officials suddenly entrusted the construction industry.

The head of the Federal Ministry of construction Mikhail Men now – only acting Minister of construction and housing, stated on the website of the Federal Ministry of construction, and it is unknown whether he will stay in this position.

Mutko, has repeatedly been subjected to criticism as the President of the Russian football Union and an alleged member of the doping scandal, many consider one of the most controversial members of the government. Although, admittedly, the construction experience he has as Minister of sport, in particular, oversaw the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi and the “Zenit-Arena” in the process has risen in price several times.

The purpose Mutko was seen as a joke. The deputies of “United Russia” did not keep the laughter is in the moment when Dmitry Medvedev announced his decision. Medvedev himself smile, too, to hide did not become.

New post former sports Minister caused a flurry of jokes on social media. The leaders of the Novosibirsk construction companies began to laugh, not even waiting to hear the question, so insert appropriate remarks about this correspondent NGS believes pointless.

Eugene Gavrilov, General Director of GC “Khimmetall”:

“We think this is a cruel joke. <…> Everything that’s happening lately in our country should be taken with a large dose of humor at all. So what can I say. I really hope that the construction industry will survive.

By and large, anything global happens, because everything that can be done has already been done. The optimist says that it can’t get worse, a pessimist. I am an optimist in this case.”

Vladimir Martynenko, a member of the Board of Directors of the company “AQUA CITY”:

“The reforms that started Men, was a populist, as if in favor of the people, but some of the steps prior to that was correct, but for some reason they crossed and put at the forefront of the guarantees of the common man. But now a simple man in half as much will get what he has got cheaper, no one cares.

The best thing ESPN could do is to suspend the introduction of the recent amendments to the law on share building, which from 1 July will enter into force.

At least change them in a year or two to ensure that regional construction community could smoothly adapt to the new conditions. The industry is not ready to their introduction, the professional building community is not prepared. <…> This all leads to significant future cost appreciation. And today, the purchasing power of our people and our customers, unfortunately, limited. In my opinion, the only one this situation is even 2 times can reduce the amount of construction. In Novosibirsk, at least, sir.”

Vladimir Litvinov, the General Director of GK SKY Group:

“We people dependent, we said, “Chipmunk bird” means a bird.

I came across comments today Moscow builders: they were expecting that there will be changes in management. And all the old left. Very difficult for me to comment, I try things to discuss. It is hard to discuss them. We need to work.

Need to the construction industry was headed by a professional – after all, it is a fact. Mutko – a professional what? The Deputy Minister of construction that is, for Finance is responsible, came to us to Novosibirsk, – though he is associated with the construction, realizes the smell of cement.

We became a branch of the Ministry of Finance: as we have the Bank bailout went, so now the readjustment of the entire industry is the same principle. Someone merged, someone is reduced, but the principles are the same.

<…> The decision is taken by Moscow, it is the determining factor, and the laws are written for Moscow and Muscovites. Therefore, any results of Michael’s work to Me Moscow, it is necessary to ask the Corporation. And we in Novosibirsk what the barracks accommodated.

And the laughter of United Russia I would support. Well where’s the sport? A “Zenit-arena” from the point of view of the Ministry of defense is an aircraft carrier at a cost. We built an aircraft carrier on the shore – what? Football no, arena is.”

Valentin Tiunov, Director of the developer company “System”:

“In fact very difficult in this situation to be serious. It’s a show of power. I don’t think it (the appointment Mutko. – L. P.) nominally, but of course looks strange. Although in reality he had a great experience from the point of view of control over the construction of facilities in preparation for sporting events. And despite the comic situation, is certainly a man who is immersed in these issues. Just has been created around such a background that it causes a slight chuckle. But I fully admit that he is a good administrator.

Construction is an industry. Somewhere it is bureaucratic, but the whole system is characterized by market relations. Construction is an integral part of the market. And when the economy such as now – I think everyone agrees that the economy is now in recession, the industry is in recession. Mutko Mutko or not, without a strong doping in the economy on the industry will have little impact.

One of the main tasks that will be addressed, probably including them, is the process of meteopathy in construction. This applies to those objects that are financed by state participation. The point is that we follow the ancient rules of pricing, there is a patch from the 1980-ies and the total price should be the market. De facto, it is not the market, and that which is generated when the state assignment, therefore it is a significant waste of public funds. This is one of the greatest challenges with this problem, based on his experience, Mutko very familiar.

I think the vector which is already set to be the primary. Any minor fluctuations can be, but the main route is already there, this way will be a building to go. Towards tightening norms, rules games, requirements by the developers is, of course, will remain”.

Maxim Fedorchenko, chief of staff of the Association of construction companies of Novosibirsk oblast:

“We are talking about Vice Premier in charge of industry, – this does not mean that we have the Minister change. According to my information, Men will remain for the post of Minister of construction, but slightly reformatted the work of the Ministry – more in the direction of a comfortable urban environment, modern trends. In this sense, Men may be more in demand. But we’ll see, we’ll see. We as a SRO, I would like to work the industry, and who personally will be leading on this, not so important.

Wrap the nuts can be up to a certain limit, and it is now clear that this limit has already been passed – then just start strangling the industry.

The Minister in his communication with developers says ready for constructive amendments to the new legislation on shared construction offered by real estate developers. In principle, the understanding is there, but, unfortunately, not protransilvania in any real movement of the legislators.

It is all about, unfortunately, the Ministry of construction. Although we have pointed out repeatedly on a gross technical error in the law, and the Ministry, by the way, prepared several bills of amendments – none of them in fact is still not accepted. And in fact the law is so crude that, in my opinion, to introduce it from 1 July impossible. But the likelihood that the law will come into force as it is almost 100%. Mutko not able to understand so quickly, he would have just then to disentangle consequences. Here the more important a good and skilled Manager”.

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