
Wagon with a broken wheel flew into the ditch on the highway near Novosibirsk

May 7 on the highway R-256 have long measures burst tire in the accident the truck was in the ditch.

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In road accident nobody suffered

The accident happened at about 15:00 on 73-m kilometre of highway R-256.

“Truck “for sale” followed from the Novosibirsk in the direction of Barnaul. The route broke off the front left wheel, causing the Peterbilt allowed Congress in a ditch”, – explained the situation, the coordinator of the group “Avtobank” the social network “Vkontakte” Sergey Boldyrev.

According to Avramov, in road accident nobody suffered.

The cause of the accident was the bursting of the wheel

In the morning it became known that at the entrance to Novosibirsk from the Horde highway overturned truck with sand, the driver needed the help of doctors.

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