
Aerobics Oz Style stars share health and fitness tips

Airing first in 1982 and finishing up in 2005 after 6,000 episodes, the show has been fondly remembered for the quirky Sydney back drops, eye-popping high cut get-ups and, of course, the incredibly fit female hosts.

Women in the 80s and 90s would often rise bright early and switch on the TV to get active alongside their favourite Aerobics Oz Style stars.

Now, more than 12 years after the last episode aired, three of the instructors have reunited and partnered with Thermos to put on ‘Hydrobics’ – an 80s inspired aerobics even in Sydney complete with Grapevines, V-steps and colourful leotards.

FEMAIL spoke to June Jones, Wendi Carroll and Taryn Polovin ahead of the reunion to hear all about their fitness regimes and how they’ve managed to maintain their enviable figures and youthful looks since the show ended.

Now, more than 12 years after the last episode airs, three of the instructors have reunited and partnered with Thermos to put on ‘Hydrobics’

FEMAIL spoke to June Jones (centre), Wendi Carroll (left) and Taryn Polovin (right) ahead of the reunion to hear all about their fitness regimes and how they’ve managed to maintain their enviable figures


Wendi starred on the show as a lead presenter from 1990 until the show’s conclusion.

The fitness guru is still very active in the wellness community, works as a personal trainer and teaches eight classes a week – from TRX and pilates to Ivengar yoga and cycle.

At 57, Wendi is still the envy of many for her incredibly toned figure and youthful looks – something she puts down to her long-term active lifestyle, genetics and moderation.

Wendi starred on the show as a lead presenter from 1990 until the show’s conclusion

At 57, Wendi is still the envy of many for her incredibly toned figure and youthful looks – something she puts down to her long-term active lifestyle, genetics and moderation (pictured on the show)

‘On top of the classes I teach I do my own weight training and cardio and I really love dancing – I love to dance. I don’t love weights or cardio so much but I do it because it’s good for me. Dancing I do because I love it and often do salsa classes,’ Wendi told Daily Mail Australia

What is Wendy’s day on a plate?

5am: Breakfast number one – a protein shake

10/11am: Breakfast number two – eggs, avocado, spinach, Peanut Butter toast and/or green tea

2pm: Maybe some sashimi and edamame beans

7pm: Dinner of salmon and salad

After dinner: Ice cream every night – it’s all about portion size!

‘On top of the classes I teach I do my own weight training and cardio and I really love dancing – I love to dance. I don’t love weights or cardio so much but I do it because it’s good for me. Dancing I do because I love it and often do salsa classes,’ Wendi told Daily Mail Australia.

‘I drink plenty of water every day and I do eat healthy but it’s all about balance – I eat fats, proteins, carbs (yes you can eat them)! You have to earn your carbs but they are good to eat.

‘Strict diets are not long term, they don’t ever work. I always allow cheat meals like pizza and wine and ice cream and things like that but I counter that with an active lifestyle – I’ve been dancing since I was seven.’

‘I drink plenty of water every day and I do eat healthy but it’s all about balance – I eat fats, proteins, carbs (yes you can eat them)!’ She said

When it comes to her beauty routine, Wendi keeps things very simple

‘If there’s one thing I did more when I was younger was use sunscreen as in my day it was all about covering yourself in coconut oil and sitting on the beach and frying,’ Wendi said.

‘I don’t wear make up – maybe some lipstick here and there – and I don’t really use any products except sorbolene to moisturise, that’s all I need. I don’t use cleansers or any of that. Healthy food and exercise is all you need.’

‘If there’s one thing I did more when I was younger was use sunscreen as in my day it was all about covering yourself in coconut oil and sitting on the beach and frying,’ Wendi said

‘I don’t wear make up – maybe some lipstick here and there – and I don’t really use any products except sorbolene to moisturise, that’s all I need,’ she said


Taryn was one of the lead hosts on the show from 1998 to 2005 and is now still heavily involved in the fitness industry, works as a nutritionist and personal trainer and is the sole pilates contributor for Oxygen magazine.

‘I was studying and a friend of mine said to have a chat with the Oz Style people about the show and next thing I was on it, it was a blast,’ Taryn, a mother-of-three, said.

‘It was hard work we were filming 20 shows in two days sometimes so we were very, very fit.’

Taryn tries to fit in at least four sessions per week of exercise – from pilates to functional training work.

She also works out at home with her kids, aged three, six and eight, in makeshift circuits and started up gymnastics at the age of 36 when her eldest daughter took it up.

Taryn was one of the lead hosts on the show from 1998 to 2005 and is now still heavily involved in the fitness industry, works as a nutritionist and personal trainer and is the sole pilates contributor for Oxygen magazine

‘It was hard work we were filming 20 shows in two days sometimes so we were very, very fit,’ she said

What is Taryn’s day on a plate?

My diet is ketogenic so I don’t eat any sugar, grains or processed foods. Most of my calories are from good quality organic fats and moderate amounts of protein along with a mix of seasonal vegetables.

7am: I usually start my day with a big glass of water and a Rooibos tea with coconut cream around

8.30am – 10am: Two organic eggs fried in coconut oil with some salmon and spinach

1 – 2:30pm: Lunch is maybe some organic chicken thighs with roasted cauliflower and broccoli and 1/2-1 avocado

6pm: Dinner is usually early with the kids where I might have pan fried fish with broccolini (steamed then fried in olive oil) & some salad in olive oil dressing

Snacks: If I need snacks in between I will have some macadamias or full fat coconut yoghurt. My treat snack is 85% or 90% dark chocolate which I love!

‘I don’t pressure myself to exercise when I don’t have time but even if I don’t it’s fun to go down and do handstands and cartwheels with the kids in the park,’ Taryn said, adding that she also enjoys martial arts.

When it comes to her diet, Taryn is fairly strict.

‘It’s very specific as I follow a ketogenic diet which is pretty much high fat low carb so I eat all really good fats an no sugars, breads, pasta, processed or packet foods, or rice just organic quality proteins and fresh veggies,’ Taryn said.

‘My advice with diet is to really make sure you’re drinking enough water – people say two litres but it’s about the level of exercise you do in the day as well.

‘I also urge people to cut out all carbonated beverages, I won’t work with clients until they cut them out because they are just filled with chemicals. They should be replaced with water.

‘Another thing I see is people filling up their pantries with gluten-free products or ‘organic’ products but they’re often filled with rubbish and sugar too. If my three-year-old can’t identify the food, then you probably shouldn’t be eating it.’

‘I don’t pressure myself to exercise when I don’t have time but even if I don’t it’s fun to go down and to handstands and cartwheels with the kids in the park,’ Taryn said, adding that she also enjoys martial arts

‘It’s very specific as I follow a ketogenic diet which is pretty much high fat low carb so I eat all really good fats an no sugars, breads, pasta, processed or packet foods, or rice just organic quality proteins and fresh veggies,’ Taryn said of her diet

Taryn said she also hates breakfast cereals as they ‘add nothing’ and often she and her family will enjoy leftovers from dinner for breakfast the next morning.

‘I’ll cook an omelette or some eggs on the occasion but other times we will have leftovers – my six-year-old prefers having meat, broccoli and humus for breakfast,’ Taryn said.

‘People get caught up in the whole toast and cereal thing but you really should just follow your taste buds and fuel yourself with wholesome foods.

‘I also do an intermittent fast twice a week where I eat dinner by 6pm then don’t eat again until around 11am/12pm the next day. The research around intermittent fasting is incredible and it gives your body a break from constantly needing to digest food.’

Taryn said she also hates breakfast cereals as they ‘add nothing’ and often she and her family will enjoy leftovers from dinner for breakfast the next morning

When it comes to her beauty routine, Taryn says she has simplified a lot as she edges closer to 40

When it comes to her beauty routine, Taryn says she has simplified a lot as she edges closer to 40.

‘Hydration is key – whether it’s water or moisturiser – and I use a few simple but high quality products including an exfoliator and beautiful serum which I use twice a day,’ Taryn said.

‘I also take silica and biotin which has made a huge difference to my skin and hair, wear sunblock every single day and usually just wear tinted moisturiser and mascara – I feel naked without mascara.’

‘Hydration is key – whether it’s water or moisturiser – and I use a few simple but high quality products including an exfoliator and beautiful serum which I use twice a day,’ Taryn said


June Jones, 60, starred on the show from 1983 – 2005 and was one of the initial lead talents and the longest-serving member of the team.

June is now an Iyengar yoga and pilates instructor and says she’s thrilled to be getting back in the lycra for the 80s themed retro event.

‘These days I teach yoga and pilates and work closely with physios on the rehab side of fitness as well which is really rewarding as I help people manage their bodies,’ June said.

‘I lead a very active lifestyle and exercise every day without fail. I start the day with yoga and meditation (I wake up at 5am) and then work and then in the evenings, depending on my energy levels, I will do something different.

June Jones, 60, starred on the show from 1983 – 2005 and was one of the initial lead talents and the longest-serving member of the team

June is now an Iyengar yoga and pilates instructor and says she’s thrilled to be getting back in the lycra for the 80s themed retro event (pictured on the show)

What is June’s day on a plate?

My day begins with a Yoga and Meditation practice, nourishment after practice starts with my favourite pot of tea.

I tend to wait an hour after practice before eating breakfast which is usually a banana with oats. Once or twice a week I will have poached eggs with rye bread.

I vary my lunch with fish and salad or steamed vegetables, a little pasta of some sort, vegetable curry and brown rice or dhal stew.

I am into making broths and using this to turn into thick and chunky soups which I team up with brown rice or a piece of toast of two, sometimes a quick stir fry. Because I work long hours this is something I will have for my dinner as it’s light on my digestive system.

‘I include strength training and aerobic training as it’s good for my bone density.’

June says one of the most important tips she can give is the importance of hydration and water as it keeps a woman’s body regulated and people performing at their best.

‘I also eat well – I am a product as I teach a lot so I need to show people I am in good shape – and I never diet as I believe balance is key,’ June said.

‘I follow a balanced diet, I make sure I eat well and don’t skip meals and am happy to indulge in naughty treats every now and then.

‘I snack very little and when there is a need, it is usually a handful of nuts, or yogurt to see me through.’

With her beauty routine, June also likes to keep it simple.

‘I wear little make up and each day I just do the usual cleanse, tone, moisturise routine and make sure I wear glasses and a hat every day to protect myself from the sun,’ she said.

June says one of the most important tips she can give is the importance of hydration and water as it keeps a woman’s body regulated and people performing at their best

‘I follow a balanced diet, I make sure I eat well and don’t skip meals and am happy to indulge in naughty treats every now and then,’ she said

June is looking forward to getting back with her former Oz Style peers and performing

‘All of your favourite moves will be back like repeated knees and the V-walk and I promise there will be leg warmers aplenty,’ she said.

‘We are so excited – we can’t wait to be back out there again because it was truly the best times of our lives!’

Hydrobics will be split into three high-intensity sessions, with each Aerobics Oz Style instructor taking the lead with their own unique style and incorporating frequent hydration pit-stops.

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