
Monster Hunter: World’s Last Free Updates Outlined

In a time when post-launch game support is frequently defined by paid DLC and Season Passes, Capcom’s approach to adding free content to Monster Hunter: World has been a real treat. However, in today’s Special Developer Update, the company has confirmed that only a few more free additions are planned before these updates come to an end.

Amongst the remaining updates are the introductions of two Arch-Tempered Elder Dragons: Kulve Taroth and Nergigante. Arch-Tempered monsters are currently the strongest foes in Monster Hunter: World, even more challenging than Tempered monsters, and these two are certain to be excellent opportunities for players to acquire powerful gear and augmentations.

Arch-Tempered Kulve Taroth is first up, and the hunt will be available from December 19 at 7pm EST to January 3 at 6:59pm EST. As with a standard Kulve Taroth encounter, up to 16 players will be split into groups of four to take on the beast.

However, unlike the standard siege, Arch-Tempered Kulve Taroth can enter a «furied» state, which gives the monster new attacks. Players that slay the Elder Dragon after it has entered this state will be granted more powerful «rainbow» items, and the Arch-Tempered Kulve Taroth’s materials can be used to craft a new gamma amor set.

Then, in Spring 2019, Arch-Tempered Nergigante will make its appearance. While Capcom has not yet elaborated on this encounter, Arch-Tempered Nergigante will, no doubt, be a challenging hunt, and it will mark the last of Monster Hunter: World‘s free updates.

Additionally, fans can look forward to a Monster Hunter: World The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt crossover event in early 2019 that will give them the opportunity to take Geralt of Rivia on a «unique quest line.» An «Appreciation Festival» will also take place during this timeframe, which will celebrate the game’s first anniversary and feature special quests.

Since the game’s release, frequent updates have brought new monsters, powerful gear, and more challenging hunts to Monster Hunter: World, all at no cost. While the news that the end of these additions is on the horizon is likely to disappoint some of the game’s fans, there is a lot to look forward to – namely, Iceborne, Monster Hunter: World’s upcoming «massive expansion,» which will mark the game’s next stage of post-launch support.

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