
Just Cause Dev Founder And CEO Leaving

Christofer Sundberg, the founder of Just Cause developer Avalanche Studios, is leaving the company after he started it 16 years ago. He announced the news on Twitter, confirming he’ll officially exit the company at the end of April. Sundberg also served as Avalanche’s chief creative officer.

Sundberg was the creative director on the first Just Cause, a high-octane open-world game that would go on to release three sequels, the most recent of which was December’s Just Cause 4. Sundberg also oversaw Avalanche’s other projects such as Mad Max.

Avalanche’s latest game is Rage 2, which it is co-developing with id Software. It comes out in May, just after Sundberg’s exit.

In a follow-up tweet, Sundberg said he plans to take «a little break» from the gaming industry, but plans to return someday «when I’m ready.»

He enjoys making games and playing them, but he did express one frustration about the gaming business. «I love games. I love making them. I love playing them. Not so fond of the constant gold digging mentality of the industry but I can still make a change and find the passion,» he said.

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