
Fortnite Gets Its First Snowflakes

Over the last month, Fortnite players have been noticing some strange environmental occurrences, and it has lead to much speculation about what the future may hold for the battle royale’s map.

Specifically, the rumor mill has been turning with the idea that a snowstorm is on its way its way to Fortnite, and today, that speculation has been given legs.

Players that begin a match and load into spawn island, Fortnite‘s pre-match holding ground, will notice a light snowfall has begun.

While it is just a few flakes now, this has the potential to grow into a storm that will overtake the game’s map in full – Season 7 is set to begin this Thursday, and more snow is likely to come with it.

This snow-centric speculation began when players discovered what appeared to be a cloud looming south of Flush Factory. Since, it has become apparent that this phenomenon is not, in fact, a cloud, but rather an iceberg floating toward Fortnite‘s map. On top of the iceberg sits a castle.

What exactly will occur when this mysterious iceberg and castle arrive at the game’s main landmass is unknown, however, it appears that it will coincide with the arrival of this brewing snowstorm. It seems that players indeed have a lot to look forward to in Fortnite‘s next season.

Those that have been playing Epic’s shooter sensation for some time will not be strangers to its evolving map. In Season 4, a meteor crashed into the island, leaving craters throughout, and the recent «Fortnitemares» event brought some Halloween-inspired spookiness.

However, the suggestion that a new play area may be added when the iceberg arrives, coupled with the potential for a map-encompassing snowstorm, indicates that Season 7 may bring some of the biggest changes yet.

While players wait for these changes, there is still time to play the recently added Wild West Limited Time Mode. This may not be as exciting as a snow-covered Pleasant Park or Tilted Towers, however, there is still plenty to keep fans engaged until Fortnite is painted white.

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