Since the launch of Red Dead Online‘s beta, the game’s economy has been a hot topic of conversation amongst the community, with some players voicing serious worries about its balance.
Today, Rockstar begins to address these concerns with Red Dead Online‘s first update.
To begin, today’s update offers an overall increase to the cash and gold rewards players can expect from a myriad of activities, including Free Roam missions, Free Roam events, replays of «Land of Opportunities» missions, and the Showdown Series playlist. Additionally, the new update «balances» the value of certain pelts, animal skins, and fish, which may assist players as they attempt to build their bank accounts.
The compliment to these increased rewards are a general reduction to the cost of weapons that players can purchase from the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Catalogue, as well as from Gunsmiths. Outlaws that have already purchased weapons through these means should not worry that they have overspent on their artillery, as Rockstar will be reimbursing the cost difference directly starting today.
The company has further indicated that it may take until December 10 for all eligible players to receive these reimbursements.
Furthermore, this update will offer a gift to all players that have participated in Red Dead Online‘s beta. Specifically, all players that have logged into the game prior to 3 a.m. EDST on December 6 will receive $250 in-game currency as well as 15 gold bars. Some players will begin receiving this gift today, and it will reach all eligible players by Friday, December 14.
In the announcement of the update, Rockstar further assures that it has every intention to continue improving and balancing Red Dead Online. This includes fixes for «persistent bugs that are causing some players to be kicked from sessions,» and players can expect these tweaks to come next week.
As players begin to sink their teeth into Rockstar’s newest multiplayer sandbox, reception has been varied. While our writers have praised Red Dead Online for its stability and the amount of content it contains, others have criticized it for issues with griefing and the requirements that must be met in order to obtain the game’s many high-priced items.
It remains to be seen if today’s update will pose an acceptable solution to the latter concern, but, at least, it does suggest that Rockstar is indeed listening to the voices of the community.