
70% of Americans experiencing information overload

If you feel that the news is too much and it stresses you out, you are not alone. A significant portion of Americans suffer from overload from the abundance of news, although the problem is more acute for the Republicans, showed the results of a study by the Pew Research Center.

The study was conducted from 22 February to 4 March 2018.

It turned out that almost 7 out of 10 Americans (68%) feel exhausted by the amount of incoming news. Only 3 out of 10 respondents stated that they were satisfied with the amount of news you receive.

The proportion of Americans who reported feeling information overload which corresponds to the period of the U.S. presidential election of 2016, the majority of respondents also expressed a sense of fatigue with the active coverage of the elections.

The majority of both Republicans and Democrats, are expressing fatigue from the news, but among Republicans it’s common sense more. About three quarters (77%) of Republicans and prorepublican minded Americans can not cope with the flow of news. Among Democrats and those who sympathize with the Democratic party, this percentage is less (61%).

Feeling overwhelmed with news is more prevalent among those who follow the news less closely. Of those who follow the news most of the time, 62% feel tired from the news. Among those who rarely follow the news, significantly more (78%), the proportion of respondents who said fatigue from the news.

Most Americans (65%) say they follow the news most of the time. 34% of Americans said they follow the news only when something important happens.

The study showed the Pew Research Center, a total of 17% of Americans say that the national media “very well” inform the public about the most important events in the country. 24% of respondents believe that the media do their job “not too” or “not good”. The majority (58%) of respondents said that the media works rather well.

Almost three quarters (73%) of white Americans are expressing fatigue due to the large number of news. This proportion was significantly higher than among U.S. residents of Latin American origin (55%) and African Americans (also 55%).

Women more often than men, feel information overload (the proportion of “tired” news – 71% and 64%, respectively).

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