
Big data will help to reduce crime in Japan

The government and the police of Japan have been discussing the idea of developing a computer system that can predict street crime using big data and artificial intelligence.

They hope that this system will be able to show them where and how to take more proactive measures to prevent crimes, writes the Japan Times.

Predicting street crime “has already produced results in Europe and the United States,” said Mami Khajiit, who last year created a company for data analysis Singular Perturbations Inc. in the hope of developing the Japanese version of the methods used in the United States.

In some parts of America police stepped up patrols in areas where systems based on artificial intelligence, showed a greater likelihood of crimes that led to reduced crime on average by 20%, said the Khajiit.

She had carefully studied appeals to the Tokyo Metropolitan police Department about the assaults, thefts and suspicious persons. By combining these data with its own original algorithm, Khajiit predicted which areas will show a high level of crime.

Despite limited data, forecasts mostly coincided with regions where there were crimes. The accuracy of the system is likely to increase if it would include additional factors such as weather, traffic, and posts to Twitter.

“I hope to create a smartphone app for citizens to reduce the number of crimes at least a little,” says the Khajiit.

Tokyo in January announced plans to become the first Prefecture in the country that have implemented predictive policing. In the Prefecture we hope to implement this system on a pilot basis before the Olympic games in Tokyo 2020.

A group of experts appointed by the police Department of the capital to explore the use of information and communication technologies, in April proposed to promote big data, saying that forecasts can help prevent crime and improve safety.

It is assumed that the system would initially be used for police patrols, and citizens. It is expected that during the Olympic games will use more complex information and communication technology for security purposes. In the panel’s view, such technologies can also help to predict congestion at major events.

Among the problems that may arise when implementing such a system, the group noted that the task of training police to use ICT at work, security systems and protection of personal data.

As reported “Vesti.Economy”, the Ministry of public security of China and the Scientific research Institute of traffic management introduce a new program for tracking vehicles of citizens with the use of RFID chips. The program will begin its work on 1 July. At first it will be voluntary but will become mandatory for new vehicles from 2019.

Government officials reportedly hope to be able to eliminate congestion and reduce air pollution. Also in China, expects to use the chips to help stop the growth of the terrorist attacks. However, the technology in China can be used for surveillance and identification of citizens of the various oversight bodies. While China seeks to dominate in the field of development of technology of facial recognition.

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