
Erdogan the President of Turkey. Would he save money?

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, leader of Turkey have been given the mandate to manage the new radical forces after a double victory on presidential and parliamentary elections.

According to the government news Agency Anadolu, Erdogan won 53% of the vote in the presidential election, while his closest rival Muharram Insa – 31%. Electoral Council of the country has not yet released official results, but confirmed that Erdogan won.

“We need to keep tension about the elections behind us,” Erdogan told a cheering crowd of supporters in Istanbul. He then flew to Ankara and stated that the country voted “for growth, development and investment.”

In Turkey victory in the presidential election won the incumbent President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. With his re-election congratulated Vladimir Putin.

Insa, the party which had previously challenged data “Anadolu” and claimed that votes were fabricated, conceded defeat in a text message to the Halk TV channel, saying that the elections were not “fair race”. The President and his allies won an overwhelming majority of airtime on the state broadcasting organizations, and the country is officially in a state of emergency during the campaign, giving the government broad powers to suppress dissent.

The results indicate that it is “the last step is to transform Turkey to a mode of one person,” he said in an email Wolfgang Piccoli, co-Chairman of Teneo Intelligence in London, the company’s analysis of the political risk.

Currency crisis

Erdogan, who ruled the country since 2003, advocated the need for continuity in turbulent times. He presided over the economic boom, which in recent months threatened to turn into a crisis. Currency fell and capital fled, Erdogan has struggled with its own Central Bank, insisting the interest rate was lowered.

The dynamics of the exchange rate of the Turkish Lira

Lira strengthens as Erdogan victory has removed some political uncertainty. Although the volatility of the Lira in recent months has significantly decreased, it still remains the most volatile currency among developing counterparts.

With political roots in the once-banned Islamist movement, Erdogan cut the secular system and Western orientation, bequeathed by the founder of Turkey Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. He stopped the ban on Islamic headscarves on campuses and in public institutions and give religious education a more prominent role in schools.

In foreign policy, he more and more takes the side of Russia in the Syrian civil war – the great struggle for influence in the middle East. Erdogan was talking about joining the Eurasian Union led by Russia and China. He made alliances with the “Muslim brotherhood” and some Arab States of the Persian Gulf.

Meanwhile, Turkey’s proposal for membership in the European Union, which gained momentum during the first term, Erdogan is now in a deep freeze. The President stabbed US in his victory speech, accusing them of harbouring the instigators of the failed coup against his government in 2016, and indicated that an overwhelming majority of immigrants to America was for the opposition.

In the parliamentary elections the bloc led by the party of Erdogan, was 54%, and 34% were from the main opposition coalition and 12% on the leading Kurdish party. This would give Erdogan’s allies control of Parliament, although most of his votes will depend on its national partners. The President admitted that his lack of votes after the election, saying that his own party “did not achieve its purpose.” “We will resolve it” in the legislature, he said.

Pocket Parliament

In any case, the powers of the Parliament will be reduced in the renewed political system. In the past year, Erdogan has undertaken constitutional reforms that have eliminated the position of Prime Minister and handed over power to the adoption of laws to President, including selection of Ministers in the Cabinet of the legislature, the holding of new elections and declaring a state of emergency.

Opponents of the President accused him that he was behaving like a dictator, saying that his political opponents, journalists, judges and students run the risk of going to jail in an increasingly arbitrary system. After they tried to commit a coup attempt in 2016, the President came to cleaning the public service, judiciary and education system, sending tens of thousands to jail.

The opposition has promised to abolish all constitutional changes and restore a centuries-old tradition of parliamentary democracy in Turkey. This window seems to have closed, since Erdogan became the first Turkish President, who used the new powers.

Heavy background information

Sunday’s election was moved forward by 18 months in terms of what the Turkish economy found itself in a rather difficult position.

The devaluation of the Lira has raised fears that Turkish companies who have debts in dollars and euros, may struggle to try to repay the debt and therefore participate in the mass purchase of foreign currency on the domestic market. The Central Bank has made the loans more expensive, also raised interest rates by 500 points since April.

But in his election campaign, Erdogan urged voters to remember the increase in living standards during his 15 years in power. Gross domestic product grew on average by 6% per year. Wider layers of the population gained access to free medicine, and Turkey were covered with new roads, bridges and rail systems.

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