
Oreshkin: Russia will apply a return fee to US products

Russia will use the “balancing measures in respect of imports from the United States” in response to the application of the American authorities the duties on steel and aluminum.

This was stated by the head of the Ministry Maxim Oreshkin. The head of the MAYOR noted that the way Russia uses its rights in the WTO. Maxim Oreshkin stressed that duties will be imposed against American goods, which have analogues in the Russian market, and will not have a negative impact on the situation in the economy.

“Due to the fact that the United States continue to apply protective measures in the form of additional duties on imports of steel and aluminum, and refuse to provide compensation arising from the loss of Russia, Russia will use its rights under the WTO and introduces balancing measures in respect of imports from the United States.

These measures are in the form of additional import duties on American goods will become applicable in the near future. To touch they are just products that have analogues on the Russian market, and will not have a negative impact on macroeconomic indicators. The final list will be formed soon – will take a few more days.”

As noted portal “News.Economy,” the head of the MAYOR in his speech at the Ministerial WTO meeting in Paris on 31 may warned that if the United States would not abide by the rules of the WTO, Russia will retaliate.

USA announced the introduction of import duties on steel and aluminum in the amount of 25% and 10% respectively in March 2018, the trade restrictions already in place against products from China, Russia, Japan and some other countries.

The US has accused China of “economic aggression”

The administration trump made new accusations against China, saying that the actions of Beijing allegedly “threaten the technology and intellectual property rights in the US and throughout the world.”.

In a press release, the American administration declared that “China threatens the economic and national interests of the United States.”
The report of the administration of the tramp (pdf) States that the Chinese authorities carry out cyberattacks, steal trade secrets and evade U.S. export control regulators.

The document States that “the damage from one only of the theft of trade secrets is from $180 billion to $540 billion a year.” In addition to accusations of stealing trade secrets, the report also States that China is actively pursuing reverse engineering American technology, reproducing the development of the US as their own.

The author of the report is the head of the National Board of trade in the administration of the tramp Peter Navarro. As previously noted, the portal “News.Economy”, in one of his last statements, Navarro warned that the United States can impose duties on virtually all imports from China.

Experts and investors with fears watching the escalation of aggressive rhetoric from Washington. The head of Goldman Sachs Lloyd Blankfein said that the US threats against China are “a risky negotiating tactic, which it would not adhere to or recommend to anyone”.

USA showed the fine Deutsche Bank in $205 million

American authorities have fined Germany’s largest Bank for “numerous violations” committed during the period from 2017 to 2013.

The Department of financial services new York announced that Deutsche Bank traders for many years carried out the attempts of manipulation in the foreign exchange market, as well as when fixing the key interest rates on various financial instruments.

As stated, the German Bank also allegedly made a disclosure of confidential client information and the “introduced clients to confusion for the purpose of benefits for the Bank.”

According to the investigation of the American authorities, a number of electronic trading platforms, Deutsche Bank “potentially allowed the Bank to use customer information and to exert undue influence on the markets.”

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