
Russia itself can Finance the “Nord stream-2”

Construction of the pipeline “Nord stream-2” will Fund even in the case of the introduction of U.S. sanctions against European companies involved in the project, said financial Director of Nord Stream 2 Paul Corcoran.

“The project will definitely be funded. This is important for “Gazprom”. And Russia has a high supply of liquidity in euros,” said Corcoran, reports “Interfax”. The project, if necessary, can be done without Western capital investments.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of economy and energy of Germany does not confirm the message that Berlin has received advance assurances of non-proliferation of U.S. sanctions against Russia on “to Northern stream-2”, said the representative of the Ministry of Beate Baron on request “German wave”. According to her, the situation remains the same, and nothing new in this matter did not happen.

In the project “Northern stream-2” in addition to “Gazprom”, involved a number of European companies, including Austria’s OMV. Eight investors provided for the construction of the pipeline is 4 billion euros, said “Deutsche Welle”. The total length of the pipeline, which is supposed to lay parallel to the “Nord stream”, will be 1220 km.

Denmark intends to block the “Nord stream-2”

The Danish authorities intend to prevent the construction of the pipeline “Nord stream-2”, said Prime Minister Lars Rasmussen Lucca. The Danish Parliament introduced bills that will allow them to veto or delay the implementation of the project.

“My position is that this project has geopolitical, European component and the Denmark issue can not solve. We have not decided when to make the final decision. And, in fact, it is very difficult to predict,” – said Rasmussen, RIA “Novosti”.

Rasmussen proposed to make the discussions at the European level with the purpose of seriously and carefully to examine all the risks, and the role of Ukraine as a transit country for fuel.

The project “Northern stream-2” involves the laying of two pipelines with a total capacity of 55 billion cubic meters per year from the Russian coast under the Baltic sea to the German coast. The building permit already issued by Germany, Finland and Sweden. The company 2 the Nord Stream AG (project operator) will obtain the consent of Denmark.

The bill was opposed by Ukraine, fearing to lose the income from the transit of Russian gas, the US advancing plans to export to Europe its LNG. Latvia, Lithuania and Poland do not approve of the construction of “Nord stream-2”.

Merkel warned trump about the response to import tariffs

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned the US President Donald trump about waging total trade war after he threatened to impose large tariffs on car imports from the EU.

Both parties have become parties to the trade friction, since trump has imposed duties on steel and aluminum, said Merkel, adding that it was necessary “to prevent this conflict become a real war.”

Trump on Sunday said that Europe “can be as bad as China” in the trade, because he confirmed that he is considering the introduction of a 25% aqueous tariffs on car imports from the EU.

The EU will impose tariffs on the iconic products of the United States, including Bourbon, jeans, and Harley-Davidson motorcycles, as a symbolic response to the duties on metals.

Referring to trump’s complaints that the EU, in particular Germany, have a large trade surplus with the US, Merkel said that the calculations trump is wrong because they are based only on goods and not on services.

“If you include services such as digital services, then you have a completely different balance of trade with the United States, showing a surplus against the EU,” she said.

“It’s almost old-fashioned to include only goods and not services”, – said Merkel to Parliament.

Earlier, Merkel had declared their support for “digital tax” that will target multinationals such as Amazon, Facebook or Google, which has been criticized due to the shift of income across Europe, to pay lower taxes.

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