The Syrian government is making significant gains across the country, so many see the light at the end of the tunnel West of destabilization and attempts to destroy the secular government of Syria the US and the West.
Nevertheless, the aim of establishing hegemony around the world the Anglo-Saxon financial system is not some event which began in 2011 and which can be easily finished in 2018, a Plan to destroy Syria goes back almost 40 years, and the peak implementation of the plan achieved in 2011 under the Obama administration. At the same time, and the previous administration took an active part in planning the destruction of Syria.
In 2006, TIME presented the document, which was distributed among the key figures of the Bush administration. It was openly stated that the US “supports regular meetings of Syrian activists” in Europe. The document stressed that “these meetings will contribute to the agreed strategy and plan of action all antiacademic activists”.
According to TIME, the document stated that the legislative elections of Syria in March 2007 “should provide the potential problem of mobilization of critics of the Assad regime”. The document also discussed the need for allocation of funds to at least one Syrian politician who ran for the presidential election against Bashar al-Assad. The document contained the appeal for funding and conducting “campaigns on voter education, poll of public opinion.”
As noted by TIME in December 2006 in the article “Syria Bush at gunpoint”:
Some critics in Congress and the administration noted that the plan, which was the secret influence of a foreign government, from a legal point of view it is necessary to recognize the “covert operation”. According to the law this step will force the White house to brief the intelligence committees on Capitol hill. However, there are people in Congress who oppose this secret use of allocated funds intended for the development of democracy.
If “critics in Congress and the administration” felt that the plan should be described as “covert” operation, then members of Congress was not officially informed about the plan.
TIME reported that the document put forward the proposal to funding efforts to destabilize the situation through the Fund managed by Amar Abdulhamid, a member of the Syrian opposition group the national salvation front (NSF) and the “Muslim brotherhood”, the Islamist organization that for decades advocated for the violent overthrow of the government of Syria. However, now the organization says it is committed to peaceful democratic reform.
“Promotion of democracy” remained in the spotlight as the administrations of Democrats and administration Republicans. But the most ardent supporter of this issue has become the White house Bush after the September 11 attacks. In the past, the US used the idea of “democracy” when it was necessary to topple unfriendly dictators, including the Serbian Slobodan Milosevic and Ukrainian Leonid Kuchma.
The document also argued that planning work on “monitoring of elections” for the good of America should be kept secret.
“American experts on the “development of democracy” believe that it is unwise to financially support a specific candidate for election. This can create a conflict of interest.
The official familiar with the contents of this document, explained that the secrecy is necessary because the Syrian government can act with retaliation. The Syrian government uses the services of a wide network of spies, it is almost certainly learns about the efforts of the United States, if not already learned.
Any attempt of the Americans to work on election observation can lead to dialogue between Washington and Damascus. It may all be a waste of energy. Former U.S. Ambassador to Syria Edward Jerjian notes that the Syrian opposition is so fragmented and weak that it is hardly possible to expect any substantial results from such enterprises.
“It hurt to bring Syria to a much more important fundamental issues, such as Iraq, peace with Israel, and the dangerous situation in Lebanon,” he said.
“Since the U.S. invasion of Iraq, which Syria opposed, the Bush administration was looking for ways to put pressure on the government in Damascus. Syria has become the target of the administration, which sought to reform the middle East,” said Joshua Landis, an expert from Syria, co-Director of the Center for peace studies at the University of Oklahoma. He added: “This implies the blocking of the Syrian border with Iraq so insurgents did not invade Iraq to kill U.S. troops; ending the funding of Hizbullah, meddle in the politics of Lebanon, cooperation with the UN investigation into the assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri”.
According to the document, funds for the initiative “Monitoring of elections” will be sent in the “middle East partnership Initiative” (MEPI), a program of the State Department.
According to the website MEPI program provides funds ranging from $100 thousand to $1 million for the development of education, empowerment of women, the economic and political reforms. It’s part of the total appropriation of $5 million in Syria, which earlier this year supported the Congress.MEPI allocates millions of dollars annually for groups in the Middle East operating in the promotion of reforms. Financial support is distributed in such channels as the national democratic Institute for international Affairs, a non-profit member of the Democratic party and the international Republican Institute (IRI), which is associated with the Republican party. In most cases, data on beneficiaries publicly disclosed. In the case of Syria, the proposal to monitor the elections IRI is defined as a “partner”, although the IRI website with information about the promotion of democracy in other regions of the world Syria is not mentioned.
The plan to destabilize Syria through funding the political “opposition” and “physical opposition” to the Sunni Wahhabi “Muslim Brothers” is not new.
Journalist Seymour Hersh in his article in 2007, wrote that victory in the middle East, the United States must restructure their priorities.
To destabilize Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush administration decided to rebuild its priorities in the middle East. In Lebanon the administration has established cooperation with the government of Saudi Arabia, which is Sunni, began to organize clandestine operations, which are supposed to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization supported by Iran. USA participated in clandestine operations against Iran and its ally Syria.Along the way during the events helped to strengthen Sunni extremist groups adhering to the militant ideas of Islam and hostile to America and sympathetic to al-Qaida. This definition of the so-called “rebels” unleashed activities in Syria in 2011
In January, in testimony before the U.S. Committee on international Affairs, Secretary of state Condoleezza rice said that there is “a new strategic distribution of forces in the middle East”, the division between “reformers” and “extremists”; she pointed out that the Sunni States the centers of moderation and added that Iran, Syria and Hezbollah “are on the other side of this break.” As she noted, Iran and Syria “have made their choice, and their choice is to destabilize the situation.”
However, in some cases, “covert operations” were kept in secret that put the financing on the shoulders of the Saudis, or were given the opportunity to find other ways to circumvent the normal appropriations process in Congress, said current and former officials close to the administration.
This time the Advisor of the US government stated that Bandar and other Saudis have assured the White house that “they will closely monitor religious fundamentalists”, “it’s not that we don’t want the Salafis bombed; it is important that they bombed Hezbollah, Moqtada al-Sadr, Iran and the Syrians.
The government of Saudi Arabia after the approval of Washington will provide funds and logistical aid to weaken the government of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. The Israelis believe that the pressure on the Assad government will make it more open to negotiations. Syria remains the main channel of arms “Hezbollah”.
In January, following the outbreak of street violence in Beirut Bandar went to Tehran to discuss the situation of political impasse in Lebanon and to meet with Iraqi negotiator on nuclear issues, Ali Larijani. According to the Ambassador of the Middle East, the mission of the Bandar, which was approved by the White house-also aimed “to create tension between the Iranians and Syria.” However, the Ambassador said: “Syria and Iran will not betray each other. Approach Bandar unlikely to succeed”.
Vladimir Putin spoke about the return of Russian troops from the Syrian Arab Republic. According to the President, experience of operations in Syria will be in full use in the preparation of Russian military personnel.
The Syrian organisation “Brothers-Muslims”, founded in Egypt in 1928, more than a decade strongly resisted the regime of Hafez al-Assad, father of Bashar. In 1982, the brotherhood took over the city of Hama; Assad killed 6 thousand to 20 thousand people. Membership in the brotherhood punishable by death in Syria. The brotherhood is an enemy of the United States and Israel. Nevertheless, Jumblatt said: “the Main link between Iran and Lebanon is Syria. Open the doors of the Syrian opposition in order to weaken Iran.”
There is evidence that the strategy of redirection of the forces of the administration have already brought the benefit of “Brotherhood”. The Syrian national salvation front is a coalition of opposition groups. Its core members – the faction led by Abdul Halim khaddam, a former Vice-President of Syria, and brotherhood. One former high-ranking CIA officers said: “the Americans provide political and financial support. The Saudis are taking the lead with financial support, but not without the participation of the American side”.
Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Shiite Lebanese militia Hezbollah, believes that the US wanted to achieve the separation of Lebanon and Syria. Syria need to push into chaos and internal strife, as in Iraq. In Lebanon to create Sunni state, an Alawi state, a Christian state. He added that, most likely, one of the objectives of the Israeli bombing of Lebanon last summer was “the destruction of Shiite areas, after which it would be possible to force the Shiites of Lebanon and Syria flee to southern Iraq.”
“Saudi Arabia will also be divided. The same goes for North African countries. Will remain a small ethnic and confessional States. And the most important and powerful state will be Israel. This is the new middle East,” he said.
All of this document and the fact of the smooth development of the ideas of world hegemony are proof that successive parties and individuals do nothing to stop the onslaught of imperialism, of wars and destruction that were and are carried out worldwide.