
UAE and Qatar sent troops to Afghanistan

Afghanistan endorsed the deployment of military units from the UAE and Qatar, according to the Council of national security of the country.

Soldiers from the UAE and Qatar will be placed in Afghanistan as part of NATO mission “Strong support” for supporting and training Afghan troops, RIA “Novosti”. The number of troops that will be sent to Afghanistan, while not specified, unknown is also the date of their arrival.

NATO, 1 January 2015 holds in Afghanistan, operation Resolute support, aimed at training Afghan security forces. This operation has replaced military operation conducted by the anti-terrorist coalition under the command of U.S. and international forces on safety (ISAF) under NATO command.

NATO has repeatedly stated that it does not intend to return to combat operations in Afghanistan, and said the decision to cease operations in 2014

Forecast: the fed will raise rates above inflation

The Federal reserve system (FRS) the USA, as projected, will increase the interest rate above the rate of inflation for the first time in a decade next week, which led to new debate about when it will end, reports Reuters.

From the end of 2015, the fed gradually raised interest rates, and the forecast about the upcoming increase in June, will increase expectations that the fed seeks to support the strong growth of the US economy by increasing rates.

Because inflation is under control, aim for a neutral policy rate that will not hesitate and will not accelerate economic growth.

However, the assessment of neutrality is imprecise, and because interest rates exceed inflation, and closer to “real” level, analysts believe that the fed, the fed is exposed to a higher risk of going too far and actually restrict the recovery.

The fed is “gradually emerging in the new world, when rates are 2%”, approaching zero on a real basis, when no longer felt the stimulation of economic activity, says Thomas Costerg, chief economist Pictet Wealth Management.

The Ministry of defence of Germany wants to increase the military budget of the country

Germany must increase defense spending because her safety is at stake in the period of exacerbation of the threats worldwide, said the ruling legislators, defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen.

During the cold war, Germany has spent about 2.4 percent of its economic output on the military but the costs fell to 1.1% after the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989

The President of the United States Donald trump is putting pressure on Germany to the country to 2024 start on defence spending to 2% of the gross domestic product of the country, as the German government promised in 2014

Germany has stated that by 2025 the country will increase spending from 1.2% of GDP to 1.5%, but von der Leyen is lobbying the ruling coalition parties to support the increase in costs after 2019.

As the Minister said, the desire to ensure the safety associated with the willingness to make the necessary investment. “We must act,” she said.

The social Democrats, Junior partners in the coalition of Chancellor Angela Merkel, resisted measures to increase defense spending and instead want to focus more on domestic spending.

Italy supports the proposal of trump in Russia

The new Prime Minister of Italy, Giuseppe Conte expressed support for the proposals of the President of the United States Donald trump about the return of Russia in the “Big eight”, reports Reuters.

The Prime Minister of Italy EPA-EFE/ETTORE FERRARI

“I agree with President (trump). Russia should be readmitted to the group. It is in the interests of all,” wrote Conte in the social network during a trip to Canada, where he is expected to debut as the Italian leader.

The Italian government has already signaled that it is likely to adopt a Pro-Russian line in its foreign policy, and called for an end to economic sanctions against Moscow.

How to write “News.Economy,” trump said earlier that Russia should join the negotiations of the “Big seven” (G7).

Exclude Russia from the “Big eight” in 2014 after the annexation of Crimea.

“No matter what you call it. Earlier it was G8, now Russia is not there, – quotes the President of the United States Fox News. – Why we are meeting without Russia? I would recommend that Russia was involved”.

“They kicked Russia. They should allow Russia to return. We need Russia to be at the negotiating table,” said trump, in preparing for the G7 summit in Quebec (Canada).

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