
Woman suffers scars after falling under motorbike in Zante

A teenage holiday worker suffered horrific scars after falling underneath a high-powered motorbike wheels wearing just a bikini — before being run over by a second vehicle.

Aimee Montgomery, who was 19 at the time, was at a boat party in Zante before getting a lift back to her apartment with a bouncer after having too much to drink.

Despite wrapping her legs around the motorcyclist, Miss Montgomery, now 20, slipped and one of her legs became trapped underneath the trike.

She claims she pleaded with the biker to stop as she was getting dragged by the vehicle but before he was able to, she fell off and got hit by a car.

Aimee Montgomery, who was 19 at the time, ended up with a huge scar on her right leg (pictured) 

Aimee Montgomery, who was 19 at the time, ended up with a huge scar on her right leg (pictured)

Miss Montgomery was working in Zante She came off of a motorbike

Miss Montgomery (pictured) was working in a bar on the party island of Zante when she came off of a motorbike

She ended up in hospital and was told she had to remain on the island because she was unable to fly 

She ended up in hospital and was told she had to remain on the island because she was unable to fly

After being rushed to a medical centre, the bar worker had to remain in Zante for another six weeks as she was unfit to fly.

While on the island, she was left unable to walk for three months, relying on a wheelchair and crutches.

Following surgery back home in the UK, she claims she has faced negative comments from strangers and was told she ‘would never find a boyfriend’ because of her ‘disgusting scars’.

She decided to get a tattoo of a Mandala design in May this year to take the attention away from the scars on her leg after struggling with confidence issues.

Miss Montgomery, from Badwell Ash, in Suffolk, said: ‘It was really traumatic. It was a massive shock. It was just a freak accident. It was absolutely awful.

‘I was being dragged along for two minutes until I realised that my shoe had been ripped off and I could just see blood spurting off from behind the wheel.

‘Eventually it just dragged me off before he had time to stop. It was the car behind that ran me over. I was unconscious for about ten minutes. There was so much blood.

‘I got an ambulance down to the medical centre where they cleaned me up. I was just in a bikini. I was quite exposed.

She claims she has faced negative comments from strangers and was told she 'would never find a boyfriend' because of her 'disgusting scars'

She claims she has faced negative comments from strangers and was told she ‘would never find a boyfriend’ because of her ‘disgusting scars’

The bar worker (pictured) sipped and one of her legs became trapped underneath the motorbike

The bar worker (pictured) sipped and one of her legs became trapped underneath the motorbike

She decided to get a tattoo of a Mandala design in May this year to take the attention away from the scars

She was left with a huge scar on her right leg following the incident in Zante earlier this year

When Miss Montgomery returned she was told that she would need physio therapy and that she couldn’t fly home for at least six weeks due to her condition

‘When I woke up I was in so much pain. I didn’t know what was going on. From drinking that night I was unaware what the damage was.

‘When they started to undo the bandages that was the first time I saw everything. I just broke down. The first thing I saw was the road burns on my leg. I cried because I knew I would be scarred for life.

‘However, little did I know I also had a hole in my foot. When I saw that I was so emotional. I have had no confidence at all from when I first saw the scars.’

She was taken to a nearby medical centre and they cleaned up wounds, wrapped her leg in bandages and sent her back to the apartment, telling her to come back in the next day.

When Miss Montgomery returned she was told that she would need physio therapy and that she couldn’t fly home for at least six weeks due to her condition.

She said: ‘They realised it was quite a deep wound down to the bone. I was in a wheelchair and had crutches. I couldn’t walk physically for about three months.

‘I went out by myself so I met friends there but then they went home. My mum wanted to come and be with me but I told her there was no point. I stayed out there by myself.
Miss Montgomery (pictured with her scar) had to stay on the island after the incident

‘I’m really anxious near roads and about people staring at me. My confidence has just plummeted since.’

After six weeks, Aimee was able to return the UK and had surgery to remove the dead skin on her leg and a drainage tube was placed in her leg to reduce infection before getting skin grafts.

Since the traumatic accident, she has also experienced a lot of anxiety and has now been diagnosed with PTSD.

However, after facing negative comments and nasty looks from strangers, in May this year the 20-year-old decided to get a tattoo on her leg as a distraction from the scars.

When she is medically able to, Aimee also plans to get a full leg sleeve of tattoos to completely cover up her scars, although she might not be able to for another two years.

Aimee said: ‘I wanted the tattoo to take the attention away from the scars. I always got horrible comments and really horrible looks. I get so many looks that I just got used to it but it still hurts.

‘One girl on a night out said I shouldn’t have them out. She said they are disgusting and I wouldn’t find a boyfriend because of them. I just walked off and cried.

‘I have had a lot of good feedback from people saying how brave I am and saying I am beautiful no matter what scars I have.

‘I’m used to hearing negative stuff so it was nice to hear positive comments from people. It has helped with my confidence to get my legs out more.’

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