The British edition of The Times, citing an informed source in the British government, reported that in Syria, near the border with Iraq, in June this year, a British woman named Sally Jones, nicknamed «The White Widow», was killed.
The publication says that 50-year-old Sally Jones, who joined the Islamic State, died as a result of an American drone strike. Her 12-year-old son Jojo is said to have died with her.
Sally Jones, a former punk rock fanatic, converted to Islam and moved to Syria with one of her sons in 2013, where she was known as Umm Hussein al-Britani. Prior to joining the ranks of IS, Jones worked in one of the UN divisions. She was the wife of Juneyd Hussein, a UK computer specialist who worked for IS. In September 2015, Hussein was killed by an American UAV.
It is known that in the ranks of ISIS, Sally Jones, nicknamed «White Widow», underwent military and sabotage training, and in the last years of her life she was an instructor of the female division of the Anuar al-Aulaki battalion. Among other things, she trained women for suicide bombings in Western countries. These facts are confirmed by IS documents found after the retreat of the militants from the areas they controlled.
Sally Jones also acted as an IS propagandist on social media.
British media reported that Sally’s son participated in the hostage executions. These conclusions were drawn based on an analysis of the videos published by the IG.
It was rumored that in July 2017, Jones allegedly attempted to return to the UK. But, judging by the publication of The Times, she was killed back in June, and, apparently, these rumors were wrong.
Note that another British citizen involved in terrorist activities, Samantha Lewthwaite, also bears the nickname «White Widow». She is one of the militants of the Al-Shabab group, which operates primarily in Africa.