
Nobel Prize winners in chemistry announced

Nobel Prize in Chemistry went to three scientists

Scientists will be awarded for developing cryoelectron microscopy to determine the structure of molecules with high resolution in solution.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry this year was awarded to the Swiss Jacques Debusci, the American Joachim Frank and the British representative Richard Henderson, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences reported. This was reported on the official website of the award.

As it became known, scientists have been noted for the development of cryoelectron microscopy to determine the structure of molecules with high resolution in solution.

Last year, an award in this area was awarded to Frenchman Jean-Pierre Sauvage, US citizen Scotsman Fraser Stoddart and Dutch scientist Bernard Fehring for the design and synthesis of molecular machines.

The award ceremony will take place in Stockholm on December 10, on the day of the death of the founder of the awards, Swedish entrepreneur and inventor Alfred Nobel (1833-1896).

Recall that the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2017 was awarded to Rainer Weiss, Barry Barisch and Kip Thorne — the creators of the international LIGO collaboration, which first caught gravitational waves.

We also recall that the Nobel Prize has grown to over $ 1 million.

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