
Ryazan airborne school developed a survival kit in the arctic

The Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School has developed a survival kit in the Arctic cold, powered by portable batteries that do not exceed the size of a mobile phone charging unit, told RIA Novosti the head of the school’s research department Colonel Vasily Elistratov.

«A portable battery as a backup battery for a cell phone with a capacity of 5000 milliampere-hours is enough for a heating element to work for three and a half hours,» he said at the forum «Army-2018».

One of the features of the developed kit, which significantly reduced energy consumption — it does not heat the whole body, but only the most necessary areas.

«We have identified those places where it is advisable to warm… determined that there is no need to heat all the person, the spine, limbs, it is enough to ensure energy efficiency of these systems,» Elistratov noted.

If the portable battery is not at hand, low power consumption of such a kit will allow it to be «powered» not only from a full-fledged automotive battery pack, but also from those used in snowmobiles and ATVs. Therefore, according to the developers, the survival kit may in the future be used not only by military, but also by civilians.

In addition to the heating system, the school presented to the Army-2018 other survival kits, assembled from various elements, the common of which is a compact bag about 40 centimeters in size, in which are packed the means for fishing, breeding fire, and a universal tent that can be used Like a hammock, a tent or even a boat.

Will trace behind accumulators

Another of the developments presented at the «Army-2018» school — a system for monitoring the state of batteries without removing them from the equipment.

«This is very demanded in the army, since most of the technology is in the stage of conservation of readiness for use.» In the civil sector, this is in demand in agriculture, when the equipment is applied seasonally and is waiting for its turn, «the colonel explained.

As an example of the possible application of such a system, he cited the very «Army» or similar major events. Concentration of users of cellular communication is too high, regular towers can not cope. Therefore, some operators bring their additional, which work for about a month, while the cars on which they were delivered are idle. In order for all of them to succeed at the end of the work, the new system can be applied.

Elistratov also talked about a simulator for paratroopers. He uses the principles of virtual reality to determine the emotional state of the cadet during the jump, and also allows you to work out contingencies.

As the head of the research center, this year on the simulator experienced applicants who decided to enter the Ryazan school.

Radar on ice crossings

Another development of the school, presented at the forum — a system of «rapid analysis» of the thickness of ice and its load-bearing capacity at the crossings.

«The system of engineering reconnaissance of ice crossings in Arctic conditions.We are now using the accidentally discovered physical capabilities of near radar for reconnaissance of ice crossings of rivers and seas, that is, no more drilling ice, but rather installing our unit in front of some vehicle,» — told Elistratov

According to him, you can do even easier — put the «scanner» on a sleigh and take them across the river, and it will give a complete picture of the thickness and state of the ice. This will seriously speed up the process — earlier it was required to drill ice every ten meters.

As the head of the department explained, all the presented developments are at the implementation stage.

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