
Basketball 26.04.2018

Basketball: BC “Novosibirsk” for the third time lost to BK “Samara”. Super series ended with the score 3:0 in favour of BK “Samara”. Novosibirsk basketball players in a fair time lost to rivals from BK “Samara” in the semifinal series of the playoffs super League-1.

The clash took place in Novosibirsk and ended with the score 79:95 (22:24, 24:18, 19:23, 14:30) in favor of the guests.

“First, I want to welcome “Samara” with access to the final. Secondly, the author twice today led ten points, and both times failed as the students. First, at the end of the first quarter, sometimes are unable to even clear the last attack. Then again it was +10. Tried, to keep Kurtsevich released vojtova. And once and for fifteen minutes fell by 5 points. Should (be), from this moment, Samara felt the courage, and they flew. Idezhe something on their side was the smell of luck, because three or four goals with a series of science fiction flew”, – commented on the defeat of Siberians to Own the world Pevnev, head coach of BC “Novosibirsk”.

Invoice series was 3:0 in favor of the basketball players from Samara. Novosibirsk athletes will wrestling after bronze medals with the “TEMP-SUMZ-UMMC”.

Серия завершилась со счётом 3:0 в пользу БК «Самара» 

We will remind, on April 24 Nate out of BK Novosibirsk met with BK “Samara”. The tournament ended with the score 72:67 (18:24, 19:13, 16:16, 19:14) in favor of the owners of the site.

Basketball: BC “Novosibirsk” on departure has lost “the TEMP-SUMZ-UMMC”

The following dominance series BK Novosibirsk will take place on the 7th may

Следующий матч серии БК «Новосибирск» проведёт 7 мая  

In the first match of the series at the time of the bronze medal in the super League-1 in Novosibirsk basketball players lost to the “TEMP-SUMZ-UMMC” (Revda).

Complexion passed away and ended with the score 85:79 in favor of the owners of the site.

“In the fourth quarter of the lost dark (=not crowded) on the game that your mercy Yes I had planned. The perfection of the weak play of our big players. This, in principle, was the cause of defeat. Then, hold the dawn if we did a +6) speaking of +8, so missed selection Nate’s basket, and protivsikh gained light Windows. While we were playing three quarters in their game, we still worked. In the end went to get the mind boggles what kind of game – go problems,” said grab the postgame press conference, Vladimir Pevnev, ascending the instructor of BK Novosibirsk

Earlier, BK Novosibirsk far failed to reach the final of super League-1. Players club with zapatag lost “Samara”. The third meeting is definitely ended at 95:79 in favor of the opponent.

Basketball: BC “Novosibirsk” suffered their second defeat in a row from the “TEMP-SUMZ-UMMC”

(B)zapravochny minute account of a series for bronze is 2:0 in favor of the team with the city

В настоящий момент счёт серии за бронзу составляет 2:0 в пользу команды из Ревды 

Basketball players of BC “Novosibirsk” suffered a second defeat in a row from the “TEMP-SUMZ-UMMC” (Revda) in the series (the types of the bronze medal in the super League-1.

The meeting took place take away and ended with the score 86:76 in favor of the owners of the site.

“Hard needs) one (reception to make an objective assessment of the team. “Largo-SUMZ-UMMC” – experienced eleven hopes, staffed by experienced players who Copperhead countless where played. Perhaps this has affected. Your grace I won the selection, had a big score attacks, but lost the fight. When your bounties are losing the fight, difficult as bezgramotnosti honor to play in the attack. I was planning to defend themselves and compete for every slot – this did not happen. Given test “finding firewood” snipers opponent under the basket fouled nor tithe in extreme cases. This is a full experience that comes with time. Who-so with our players without effort failed, sparsely populated (=unfrequented) playing on their level, and that fucking-that was unable to produce for lack of experience. So these two victories the city absolutely deserved”, – quotes the verbiage of Vladimir pevneva, head coach of BC “Novosibirsk”, individual website of the club.

Currently, the series is 2:0 in favor of the team from the city. The next meeting of BC “Novosibirsk” will host on may 10.

The first method in the series (mushrooms) bronze medals with the “TEMP-SUMZ-UMMC” ended with the defeat of the BC “Novosibirsk”. The work of the match – 85:79 in favor of the opponent.

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