
A vacation in Spain. Why you need to go to the Northern part?

Even if you this year a little vacation, you can still spend it sensibly. For example, to go for a few days in Spain. And it is to the North of the country! Tell, why there and how to plan a trip to get the most impressions.

The North of Spain – a fairly extensive territory of the Iberian Peninsula, which includes the lands of Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, the Basque Country and Navarra. Here in times less tourists than, for example, in the southern resort of the Costa del Sol, which attracts just for a beach holiday, and completely different nature.

In the Northern region is more humid and cool climate, so there is a bright evergreen landscape. And in summer heat they are much more comfortable! Here come those who want to enjoy the sights, history and cuisine.

To begin the journey is better with logroño, the capital of the Rioja region. It is situated on the river Ebro, at the height of 384 meters above sea level and was founded in the II century BC. This is a small, very peaceful and beautiful city, which preserved unique monuments of architecture (the equestrian statue of St. Hama, bronze fountain Fuente de La Gran vía, Plaza Del Mercado) and the local flows slowly and steadily. From Bilbao airport to come here a little more than 140 km (two hours on a scenic route along the mountains), and you can stay in the charming hotel Marques de Vallejo (from 4500 rubles per night).

Marques de Vallejo

To view logroño, give yourself three days will be enough to go around the beautiful streets, take pictures in the blooming parks and to look at the local town hall and old churches. By the way, the famous conventual Church of Santa Maria de La Redonda is located right next to the hotel.

And in Logrono you should start your acquaintance with Spanish cuisine. There is a tradition here in the evenings no one is sitting at home, all run from cafe to bar, from bar to restaurant (especially since the eateries here seem more than residents).

Required tasting: traditional salad with tomatoes and onions, jamon (Spanish delicatessen, jerked pork ham) and mushrooms, baked with cheese and shrimp. All this, of course, with a glass (read: glasses) of wine. The most popular Campo Viejo from Rioja, where, by the way, is to go on a trip.


Before leaving to buy in Logrono Souvenirs in the small shops have handmade jewelry to 30 euros, magnets (where without it), beautifully packaged sweets (three to five euros). And forward – in the modern Bilbao.


Bilbao, the capital of the province of Bizkaia and the Basque Country, very different from logroño, with its small houses and narrow streets. There is a major sea port, and historic buildings coexist with mirrored skyscrapers. The city is much more dynamic and contemporary, and need to go shopping and shopping malls, and in the evenings to sit in luxury restaurants.


Better to stay in a hotel Domine (from 10 thousand rubles per night), it is located across the street from the city’s main attractions – Guggenheim Museum, located on the waterfront of the river Nervion, and the famous red bridge. Them, by the way, you can enjoy having Breakfast on the rooftop.

The view from the hotel Domine

A ticket to the Guggenheim Museum of modern art, reminiscent of the alien ship, is 13 euros (the price includes the audio guide), and it is necessary to spend. Arrive in Bilbao and not be photographed on the background of metallic spider American Louise Bourgeois and a 13-metre puppy by American artist Jeff Koons (floral “fur” fuzzy change every two years) is inexcusable.

And when you get hungry, look in a Basque Taste – here for 145 euros you can get a master-class chef, owner of Michelin star. In five hours you will learn to cook appetizers (you’re gonna love this salad with potatoes and red onions) and hot dishes – flavorful meat and fish with truffle and avocado. In the end, of course, tasting.

More walk in Bilbao (although the prices here are not exorbitant transport: bus – € 1.25 – 1.6 euros, the tram is 1.5 euros, and if you buy a special card, then all is twice cheaper), but impressions from the Hiking will be much more beautiful houses, parks, bridges, designer shops (need another suitcase for dresses).

And on the last night, have yourself another feast – dinner at the restaurant Etxanobe, which exists since 1999 and has a Michelin star (book your table at least a couple of days). It is better to order individual dishes and a specially designed chef sets.

Back convenient – the airport is just 13 km, so the road you won’t even notice. Have a good trip!

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