
Constantine Andrikopulos about Baku: it’s Paris in the Caspian sea

Constantine Andrikopulos, Director for development Bosco Di Cilegi, and his wife Olga recently visited the capital of Azerbaijan – Baku. Constantine told PEOPLETALK, how was his journey.

When you go to Azerbaijan for the first time, you first do not leave the stereotypes, many of which are associated with the movie “the diamond arm” and the Soviet perception of this country. But they crumble as soon as you land at the airport in Baku. He is probably the most beautiful in the world, and I can appreciate that travel a lot.

Two very different styles in the design of the terminals: “garden of Eden” for international flights and “Oriental style” in the terminal internal.

Baku is impressive: it is a combination of pure Parisian style of the 18th century and very Grand modern architectural masterpieces. The road leads up to the Caspian sea, known worldwide for its oil wealth. Not surprisingly, a long coastal street is called the Boulevard of the Oil. We were told that during the first oil boom was a little to dig the ground to mine the “black gold”. In those days in Azerbaijan there is a 160 dollar millionaires, who invited the best French architects to create houses and the architectural appearance of the city. And now the modern city centre is reminiscent of Paris boulevards Haussmann and Capucines.

The road brought us to the Boulevard Oil, 1 – there stands the most beautiful building at the Four Seasons. His historical style, harmoniously blends into the environment of coastal buildings. It was constructed in recent years specifically on the draft of the group The Four Seasons. With facade of balconies offer magical views of the sea, long promenade, a Concert hall, which hosted Eurovision in 2012, as well as on the podium and preparing for the Grand Prix of Formula 1.

In one of the main parks located around the walls of the old city, home to several families of parrots. Once a lover of animals could not take them out of the country. Since then they have settled and live here.

Baku – a city of contrasts of East and West. Very secular, he combines both Europe and Dubai, and France, but also the imprint of the Soviet period. All speak Russian, I love Russia: it is, incidentally, a very noticeable ad in the city. There’s love Russian pop.

Oriental atmosphere in the old city with its stone streets and traditional restaurants and tandoors. For the Russian Baku – a city of Muslim Magomayev Aliyev, as well as our favorite agalarovyh. By the way, the hotel The Sea Breeze, in which Emin will host the festival “the HEAT” at the end of July is rapidly preparing to receive the Russian assault. We left Baku, but he knew – we’ll come back more than once.

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