
Uber driver’s amusing guide to getting a five-star review

‘Don’t ask me to “drive it like I stole it”’, ‘if you wouldn’t say it to your mother… don’t say it to me’ and ‘don’t stare me down in the rearview mirror’.

An Uber driver in the New York area has provided her passengers with a 10-point tongue-in-cheek guide to receiving a five-star rider rating, which is hung on the back of her seat.

The aforementioned quotes are three of the proclamations. Others include ‘clean up after yourself, it’s not Hogwarts – there are no house elves here’, don’t puke… ever’ and ‘don’t get out of the car until I stop’.

An Uber driver in the New York area has provided her passengers with a 10-point tongue-in-cheek guide to receiving a five-star rider rating, which is hung on the back of her seat

In London Uber is facing an uphill battle to keep its service running

The sign was snapped by mobile app designer Marc-Andre Richard as he rode to a restaurant in Stamford, Connecticut.

His photo also reveals that the driver, called Arielle, supplies a Game Boy for passengers to use. The device is kept within easy reach between the front seats.

Lollypops are also available in Arielle’s car – a Subaru Imprezza.

But the talking point of the journey, 41-year-old Mr Richard said, was the sign.

He told MailOnline Travel: ‘We spoke about the sign during the whole 15-minute ride – it certainly helped the conversation and I made sure I didn’t leave any rubbish behind at the end.’

Mr Richard, who designed the textagram.co app, added that the driver was ‘eccentric’.

In London, meanwhile, Uber is facing an uphill battle to keep its service running.

Transport for London refused to renew the firm’s licence last month on the grounds of ‘public safety and security implications’.

It raised concerns over Uber’s approach to reporting serious criminal offences, how drivers’ medical certificates are obtained, how criminal record checks are carried out, and its use of technology.

Uber has said it will appeal against the decision, though a filing will have to be made by October 13.


Be friendly, but don’t be creepy. Don’t stare me down in the rearview mirror. It’s creepy.

Conversation rule of thumb: if you wouldn’t say it to your mother or your employer, don’t say it to me.

Don’t puke. Ever. It’ll cost you $150 and your self-respect.

Don’t ask me to “drive it like I stole it” or any variation thereof.

Wear your seatbelt. Put your kids in car seats. Ubers can crash too.

I have asthma. Don’t smoke anything. Don’t vape. And yes, I can see you blowing smoke out the window.

When I ask you, “What’s in the Solo cup?”, the correct answer is “orange juice”.

I’m using Waze GPS. If you want to take a specific route, I need more than a 5-second warning.

Please clean up after yourself. This isn’t Hogwarts. There are no house elves here.

Don’t get out of the car until I stop. Don’t get out in the middle of traffic. Check before you open the door. Avoid getting hit by cars. Uber doesn’t like it when that happens. it’s bad for business.

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