All emperors who created empires or took them from the hands of their predecessors treated them as something eternal, not subject to death. And this despite the fact that in those days there were already philosophers who affirmed the general laws of life, from which it followed that everything was born, developed, flourished, withers and perishes.
If the individual is still thinking about what will happen after his death, then on the scale of the empire, this does not work in principle. It didn’t even help that none of the emperors observed an eternity of such an education, or at least a prosperous all-time visible history. On the contrary, there were more than enough examples of the death of empires. Nevertheless, creating and developing a new empire, it was built in such a way that the maximum efficiency of the occupied territory will be ensured precisely as part of the imperial organism.
As a result, the empire pushed itself away from its economic interests and transformed the colonies so that they became some kind of puzzles, clearly becoming the general picture of the empire. It is clear that if an empire is able to capture and hold colonies, then the organization of its metropolis is much higher than what was seen in the colonies. This applies to the socio-political structure, technology and various areas of the economy. In fact, the mother country brought to the colony all the things that made it powerful and capable of expansion.
But this means that the space of the colonies began to transform not by internal evolution, but according to the will of the colonizer and according to his general plans. New settlements were created, communication routes and other infrastructure were laid, precisely on the basis of the interests of the empire in general and the metropolis in the first place. At the same time, the colonies underwent administrative reforms, in particular — division into administrative units. It is clear that the metropolis did not give a damn about the fact that administrative division would contradict the actual area of settlement of the conquered peoples and ethnic groups. The division took place on the principle of providing the most effective management.
Moreover, the managers appointed to the places very soon began to come to the conclusion that the population of a particular colony should be as fragmented as possible. It is understandable, the new knowledge brought by the colonialist is a double-edged weapon. Local residents will very soon realize that their colonial position is due only to their relative backwardness, and when the technologies brought in, the institutions of power and system mechanisms become clear, there will be a desire to use them independently, without a colonizer. And this means confrontation and, as its extreme form, rebellion. It is for this reason that the colonialist pushed various religious and ethnic groups between their foreheads, in which case, to side with one of their camps. In such a situation, by manipulating group interests, one can quite effectively manage vast territories, without the use of military force. In particular, when developing new, large-scale construction, residents were brought to the scene, if not antagonistic to the local, but not having common interests. From the point of view of the empire, these processes would be absolutely justified. The more significant the contradictions and the larger the warring groups of the population, the more stable the situation in a particular colony was, and in which case, the groups can easily be set against each other and the impulse of violence that the metropolises should have gone into the civil strife.
But all this works only with stability in the empire itself, as soon as it weakens below the minimum permissible limit or, as it often happens, suffers a major defeat in the war, the colonies begin to rage and very soon — they begin to separate from the colonies and the collapse of the empire begins.
But the trick is that disintegration begins along the already formed empire, fault lines — along the borders of territorial entities artificially created by the colonists.
After that, drilling of the masses, massacre and war begins. On a large scale, it looks like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, and on a smaller scale, the Middle East. All those who remained on the fragments of the British Empire consider themselves geographically deprived and are ready to defend their idea of the territorial division of the region with arms in their hands.
In general, the consequences that arose on the collapsed empires are more than enough and we can safely observe them. Another thing is that the Last Empire, which, although in a truncated form, but continues to smoke air, has not yet passed its final and inevitable phase — complete destruction.
The fact that the Russian Federation will fall apart is beyond doubt. It is approaching the threshold when centrifugal forces begin to develop this relic of history into pieces. And here, as in all previous empires, the question will arise of the configuration of these pieces. As usual, the administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation is carried out in the best imperial traditions and has little in common with the place of actual residence of various ethnic or religious groups. This means that after the formal destruction of the Russian Federation, reformatting of the conditional borders will immediately begin and the vast territory of the former colonies will plunge into internecine wars.
This was supposed to happen in 1991, but the West made efforts to extinguish natural centrifugal forces. But now no one will do this, because the only function assigned to the world community by the Russian Federation is a military counterbalance to China, Putin has failed, and now in this format of the Russian Federation, no one is interested.
Thus, the Russians can be congratulated on the fact that they fear nothing shortage of fun and entertainment.