
How on sofas and chairs to obscure the consequences of the abuse of Pets

Owners of Pets know how difficult it is to protect the furniture from damage with claws and teeth. Do not despair and go shopping for new furniture.

In our material are the collection of cool tips on how you can quickly and effortlessly repair the damage from over-activity of the mustachioed and tailed.

Creative updated furniture not only hide the annoying faults, but also make the interior more unique and comfortable.

How to hide the marks of the cat’s crime?

Как скрыть следы кошачьих преступлений? /Фото: zoo-mega.ru.

Самый значительный ущерб наносят кошачьи когти. /Фото: takprosto.cc.

The most significant damage comes from the cat’s claws.

1. Padding upholstery

Новая обивка подлокотников. /Фото: 1.bp.blogspot.com.

New upholstery of the armrests.

One of the best options when badly damaged the sides of the sofa will fit them with new material “articulate”. Then the furniture will update the look and in the future will not suffer from excessive activity of the cat’s claws. It can be any dense fabric with a smooth NAP, for example, fleece, jacquard, velour, velvet, satin or faux suede.

Стильное обновление мебели. /Фото: img.archiexpo.com.ru

Stylish updated furniture.

You can make a paste of contrasting color or tone, and add an original decoration in the form of rivets, zippers or sisal rope if the interior is made in eco-style.

2. Super-option for leather sofa

Быстрее всего из-за домашних питомцев портится кожаная мебель. /Фото: cs6.pikabu.ru

Faster just because of the Pets deteriorate leather furniture.

For those who have furniture made of natural or high-quality faux leather, the damaged locations can be corrected using special paste “liquid skin”. Before applying the surface of the sofa or chair is degreased with alcohol (using the cotton pad or cloth). Then a crack or broken place with the utmost punctuality is filled with a solution.

Нанесение пасты «жидкая кожа». /Фото: odivanah.ru

The applying “liquid skin”.

On top of the pasta is pressed with a napkin and proslejivaetsya iron to the liquid has evaporated. If the color “liquid leather” is chosen correctly, the defect on the furniture will be completely invisible. The solution fills the entire cavity, and under high temperature melts and becomes one with the native material of the furniture.

Вот так выглядит эффект от применения «жидкой кожи»./Фото: tykupi.com.ua

Here is the effect of applying “liquid skin”.

3. Lace or knitted patches

Нежное оформление мебели ажурной вязкой. /Фото: takprosto.cc

Delicate decoration furniture with openwork viscous.

With this patch no one will guess that it was done intentionally to hide the damaged upholstery. Looks pale, gently and unhackneyed. Items for decoration, you can tie yourself or buy. Before they sew, you can handle the material of the sofa: remove all protruding threads and “pellets” to a smooth surface. After preparing carefully sew the openwork parts in the place of rupture of the upholstery.

4. Decorative wrap

Смотрится стильно и надолго сохраняет мебель в первозданном виде. /Фото: www.bravotextil.ru

Looks stylish for a long time and keeps the furniture intact.

Hide damaged seat upholstery or to protect new furniture from damage by animals by using a beautiful plaid or special decorative cushion. The choice is multi-faceted, contrasting, colored, plain or patterned colors. Cape has not only a practical function, but also capable of a new imagine the whole interior of the room, adding her special zest.

Чехол, который скрывает весь диван. /Фото: dekoriko.ru

The cover that hides the whole sofa.

In the store you can choose the cover that covers the entire surface of the furniture. If you select multiple options, you can change the mood, or every season, to the situation to not get bored. These covers are very easy to care for: they can be removed and washed.

5. Beautiful patch

Ярко и оригинально. /Фото: cpykami.ru

Bright and original.

To repair the damage caused by a pet, you can use fancy and embroidery thread. This stylish analogue of the usual stitching to ensure the furniture a stylish and exclusive design without unnecessary costs. Threads can be chosen to match the sofa or a contrasting color. The choice of pattern also does not have framework: abstraction, floral ornaments, flowers or geometry.

6. Patchwork – stylish and relevant

Яркое оформление боковых частей дивана. /Фото: dresuar.ru

The colorful design of the side parts of the sofa.

Patchwork or quilting is a simple way to reliably disguise any weaknesses trim. You can run it from any remnants of fabric that are at home. Select by color is a beautiful option, sew the desired number of pieces of fabric and voila!

When heavily damaged the upholstery in this style can create a bright robe, and it will not take much time and will save the family budget.

Кресло, обновленное своими руками. /Фото: img-fotki.yandex.ru

Chair, updated with his own hands

7. Creative decision – mosaic

Мозаика хорошо скрывает испорченную обивку. /Фото: takprosto.cc

Mosaic good hide damaged upholstery.

Mosaic can be used not only for walls but also for the decoration of furniture. It has adhesive, so very easy even for beginners. Before you upgrade the padding, it fix building stapled to the Foundation was solid. After this solid color mosaics or picture of any ornament stick with worn-out furniture parts.

To prevent encroachments on the furniture you can apply 7 unusual devices for Pets, which will help the owner to watch your pet.

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