
Ideas for your home: From the crumbs and to a teenager

Children’s room – the place where the child spends most of his time from birth until adolescence. And to give the room proper form, you can use tips and modern ideas, so that you can easily build even the most modest by the standards of the square area.

1. Sex in the nursery

Flooring – a durable option for floor covering in the nursery.

Laminate flooring is an economically viable option. It is impact resistant, green, easy to clean.

Паркет – долговечный вариант для напольного покрытия в детской комнате.

Ламинат – экономически оправданный вариант. Он ударопрочен, экологичен, легко моётся.

Even the most difficult stains with a small amount of detergent gently removed from the surface without leaving marks.

Даже самые трудные пятна с помощью небольшого количества моющего средства аккуратно снимаются с поверхности, не оставляя следов.

Пробка – натуральная, мягкая, тёплая, без проблем моется. Никакие травмы не будут слишком страшными, если малыш будет находиться на пробковом покрытии.

Tube – natural, soft, warm, easily cleaned. None of the injuries are not too terrible, if the kid will be on the cork surface.

Ковролин и ковровые покрытия – мягкий тёплый пол, но потребуется ежедневная качественная уборка, так как они способны накапливать пыль и грязь в огромных количествах.

Carpet and rugs – soft, warm floor, but it will require a daily clean, as they can accumulate dust and dirt in huge quantities.

The floor in the nursery playing one of the most important and main roles. Because it is often the children most of the time it is on the floor. They play games, read books or do work. Therefore, the flooring should be primarily qualitative and durable. Choose a practical, environmentally friendly materials that will last you for years. Note that the chosen coating was a nice touch, easy to clean and was most warm. Note the laminate flooring and the most perfect options for a child’s room. As there is a sense to look out the cork, carpet or eurodisco.

2. The walls in the nursery

Классический вариант - светлая стена.

Classic version – light wall.

Белые стены в детской комнате будут всегда уместны независимо от возраста вашего ребёнка.

White walls in the nursery will always be appropriate regardless of the age of your child.

Разбавить привычную белизну можно спокойным рисунком или симпатичными обоями, постерами, картинами.

Diluted the usual white can calm pattern or cute, Wallpapers, posters, pictures.

First of all, a nursery should be light and airy, especially if the dimensions of the room is quite modest, it is worth to choose bright colors and shades or a calm color palette, which visually expand the space. Choose a light washable, because your child will want to prove himself as an artist, or cover the walls with water-based paint, it is safe for the baby.

3. Furniture for children’s room

Выбирайте качественную мебель светлых тонов и оттенков.

Choose high-quality furniture, bright colors and shades.

Практичная вместительная кровать с выдвижными ящиками.

Practical, roomy bed with drawers.

Шкаф-стенка и кровать с выдвижными ящиками.

Wardrobe-a wall and a bed with drawers.

Удобная, прагматичная мебель и компактный стол.

Comfortable, pragmatic furnishings and a small table.

Мебель для подростковой комнаты мальчика.

Furniture for teen room boy.

Вместительный шкаф, навесная полка для книг и мелочей, пара табуретов.

Spacious wardrobe, hinged shelf for books and trinkets, a couple of stools.

Furniture for children’s room should be clean, high-quality, practical, compact and multifunctional. Choose those options that will be useful in the future for your child. We are talking about beds and Cabinet-transformer, slides and racks, shelves, sofa roomy tables and nice comfortable chairs. This furniture will always look stylish and will last a long time, because it is very easy to combine and rearrange.

4. Sofa in the interior

Яркий раскладной диванчик, который идеально впишется в интерьер детской комнаты.

Bright folding sofa that will perfectly fit the interior nursery.

Небольшой, но удобный детский диван.

Small but comfortable sofa.

Диван-трансформер, который легко превращается в пару компактных кресел.

Sofa-transformer, which is easily converted into a pair of compact armchairs.

Яркий мягкий диван для девочек.

Bright soft sofa for girls.

Белый диван средней жёсткости с множеством разноцветных подушек.

White sofa of medium hardness with lots of colorful pillows.

Компактный диван-кровать для детской комнаты.

Compact sofa bed for a child’s room.

Remember that before you start selecting seemingly so insignificant, but at the same time so sometimes need things like a couch, it is worth considering the views of the child, as to sit or sleep on it will have it. But do not forget that, first and foremost, a sofa should be comfortable and preferably compact-functional (especially if you refused to bed, pay special attention to the seat, it should be at least medium hardness). This can be a website assembled and pull-out sofa and corner sofa. Modern manufacturers offer a huge selection of different sofas to any color and taste.

5. Modern design children’s rooms

Детская комната, выполненная в светлых тонах.

Children’s room done in bright colours.

Спокойный зелёный цвет - идеально подойдёт для дизайна детской комнаты.

Serene green color – ideal for children’s room design.

Тёмно-синий цвет в детской комнате на одной из стен прекрасно смотрится в детской комнате.

Dark blue color in the nursery on one of the walls looks great in the nursery.

Детская комната в нежных тонах и оттенках.

Children’s room in subtle tones and shades.

Комната маленькой принцессы.

The room of your little Princess.

Стильная и современная детская комната.

Stylish and modern nursery.

Современный дизайн детской комнаты, в которой находятся два ребёнка.

Modern design children’s room in which there are two children.

Современная детская комната для двух деток.

Modern kids room for two kids.

Remember that design a child’s room depends on how old your child is, Based on this, select the option that is more convenient and practical. It may be stylish, bright design, or Vice versa – more quiet and reserved, made in the style hi-tech. In any case, the room should be as comfortable, convenient and functional to feel it stiff and uncomfortable.

For apartment design, which does not have the extensive square meters as possible, by the way, have the furniture-transformer, which can not only save space, but also stylish to build any of the rooms.

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