
My first flight went floating nuclear power plants Russia

Russia launched floating nuclear power station “Academician Lomonosov”. Now the station is to the North. In the future it will have to provide energy to the oil production facilities and the most problematic objects at the coastline of the country.

Уникальный корабль Академик Ломоносов.

Unique ship Akademik Lomonosov.

Analogues in the world.

Аналогов в мире не существует.

The first floating nuclear power plant built in Russia, moved on the water and already went on his first flight. The ship is called the “Academician Lomonosov”.

For this reason the legitimate concern expressed by environmental organizations (in particular Greenpeace), a number of major media and even the governments of entire countries. But all this can not prevent the “Lomonosov” to fulfil its mission.

Действительно большой корабль.

A really big ship.

In its first flight floating nuclear power plant went from St. Petersburg. The power plant is 70 MW. According to the description of the vessel “Akademik Lomonosov” is designed to provide electricity to the most problematic sites and territories of the country. It is easy to guess that mainly NPP will serve the important objects on the shoreline. Now the ship is in Murmansk.

Даст энергии.

Give energy.

The ship will be about Norway. His service in Murmansk “Akademik Lomonosov” will start in 2019. After the mission ship sent to the Arctic, and later to the port of Pevek is the most Northern town of Russia. It is planned that the “Academician Lomonosov” will be used to power drilling rigs. If all the tests are successful, and the station would show well in the future can appear new floating nuclear power plant.

Мир выразил обеспокоенность.

The world expressed concern.

In fairness it should be added that to succeed in this field wants not only Russia, but other countries as well. Projects of their floating nuclear power plants there are in China, which according to recent reports is also engaged in the construction of at least one such vessel.

Continuing the theme of the story looks like within the most modern aircraft carrier of the UK and how to serve.

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