
Hugh Hefner died on September 27th

WHENEVER Hugh Hefner mentioned that his strict Methodist mother had wanted him to be a missionary, he got a big laugh. He got a bigger …

Peter Hall died on September 11th

WHEN he was preparing a Shakespeare play-always with love and awe, though it might be for the 20th time-Peter Hall would mutter it to himself …

Wayne Lotter was killed on August 16th

NO LANDSCAPE was dearer to Wayne Lotter than the savannah of southern Africa, and in particular one corner of it, the Selous-Niassa Wildlife Corridor round …

Dr G. Yunupingu died on July 25th

THE shoreline was where it began. This was where Baru, his totemic animal, the saltwater crocodile, wandered and danced in the Dreamtime. Baru sang the …