
Boots and Superdrug more expensive than supermarket

So FEMAIL compared a basket of goods from the budget retailer with the equivalent product from Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda, Waitrose, Morrison’s, Boots and Superdrug to find out who is really the cheapest.

The toiletries aisle at the supermarket has long been considered a more expensive option than popping into a high street chain such as Boots or Superdrug to restock the bathroom.

But throwing your shampoo and shower gel into the trolley with the weekly shop might be more cost effective after all.

According to figures from Aldi, is costs just £25.65 to restock the bathroom with 15 essential products such as face wipes and moisturiser from its Lacura range.

Without taking special officers, such as three for two, into account, Superdrug came out as the most expensive at £64.71 for a basket of goods – more than double the price at Aldi – while Boots wasn’t far behind at £63.62.

Morrison’s was the most expensive supermarket at £50.28, on a par with middle class favourite Waitrose.

Lacura’s £6.99 is a rival for big name favourites such as Nivea, which will set you back around £10 from most major supermarkets as well as Boots and Superdrug

The cheapest Nivea moisturiser is £8.50 from Sainsbury’s while it’s around £10 on the rest of the high street

John Frieda Blonde Shampoo VS Lacura Beautiful Blonde Shampoo 
Tesco Asda Morrisons Boots Superdrug Waitrose Sainsbury’s Aldi
£6.00 £6.00 £6.00 £6.99 £6.99 £6.00 £7.00 £1.49
John Frieda Blonde Shampoo VS Lacura Beautiful Blonde Conditioner
Tesco Asda Morrisons Boots Superdrug Waitrose Sainsbury’s Aldi
£6.00 £6.00 £6.00 £6.99 £6.99 £6.00 £7.00 £1.49
Original Source Lime VS Lacura Kick Start Shower Gel 
Tesco Asda Morrisons Boots Superdrug Waitrose Sainsbury’s Aldi
£1.80 £1.50 £1.62 £1.95 £2.29 £1.90 £1.40 65p
Radox Replenishing & Antibacterial Handwash VS Lacura Herbal Handwash
Tesco Asda Morrisons Boots Superdrug Waitrose Sainsbury’s Aldi
£1.40 90p £1.00 £1.00 £1.79 £1.40 £1.00 55p
L’Oréal Paris Elnett Hair Spray Supreme Hold VS Lacura Hairspray
Tesco Asda Morrisons Boots Superdrug Waitrose Sainsbury’s Aldi
£4.00 £3.50 £3.78 £3.98 £3.95 £4.00 £4.00 79p
Dove Anti-Perspirant Deodorant Roll-On VS Lacura Roll On Deodorant
Tesco Asda Morrisons Boots Superdrug Waitrose Sainsbury’s Aldi
£2.50 £2.50 £2.50 £2.30 £2.65 £2.50 £2.65 79p
Nivea Visage Q10 Plus Anti-Wrinkle Day Cream VS Lacura Caviar Day Cream
Tesco Asda Morrisons Boots Superdrug Waitrose Sainsbury’s Aldi
£10 £10.00 £9.94 £9.99 £9.99 £10.00 £8.50 £6.99
 Nivea Visage Q10 Plus Anti-Wrinkle Night Cream VS Lacura Caviar Night Cream
Tesco Asda Morrisons Boots Superdrug Waitrose Sainsbury’s Aldi
£10.00 £10.00 £9.94 £9.99 £9.99 £10.00 £8.50 £6.99
Vaseline Intensive Care Healing Body Lotion VS Lacura Body Moisturiser
Tesco Asda Morrisons Boots Superdrug Waitrose Sainsbury’s Aldi
£4.75 £6.00 £5.34 £5.99 £5.49 £4.75 £2.50 99p
Listerine Antibacterial Mouthwash VS Lacura 6 in
1 mouthwash
Tesco Asda Morrisons Boots Superdrug Waitrose Sainsbury’s Aldi
£4.00 £3.00 £4.00 £4.30 £4.29 £4.20 £4.00 95p
Simple Kind to Skin Cleansing Facial Wipes VS Lacura 3 in 1 Facial Cleansing Wipes (Original)
Tesco Asda Morrisons Boots Superdrug Waitrose Sainsbury’s Aldi
£2.75 £2.00 £3.52 £3.29 £3.29 £2.90 £2.00 59p
Johnson’s Cotton Buds VS Lacura Cotton Buds
Tesco Asda Morrisons Boots Superdrug Waitrose Sainsbury’s Aldi
£1.00 90p £1.00 £1.05 £1.05 £1.00 £1.00 35p
Radox Muscle Therapy Bath Soak VS Lacura Muscle Ease Herbal Bath Soak
Tesco Asda Morrisons Boots Superdrug Waitrose Sainsbury’s Aldi
£1.40 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £2.29 £1.40 £1.00 65p
Simple Kind to Skin Refreshing Facial Wash Gel VS Lacura Facial Wash Gel/Cream
Tesco Asda Morrisons Boots Superdrug Waitrose Sainsbury’s Aldi
£3.00 £2.00 £3.21 £3.80 £3.45 £3.15 £3.00 99p
Cheapest Colgate toothpaste VS Colgate Triple Action Toothpaste
Tesco Asda Morrisons Boots Superdrug Waitrose Sainsbury’s Aldi
£1.00 70p £1.37 £1.00 99p £1.00 £1.00 99p
Total cost of 15 products 
Tesco Asda Morrisons Boots Superdrug Waitrose Sainsbury’s Aldi
£59.60 £56.00 £60.22 £63.62 £64.70 £60.20 £54.10 £25.65

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