Twitch Prime regularly offers free games on a monthly basis, but January’s offerings come with a twist. The company added an extra game to its rotation, and on top of that, it released it a few days before it’s available widely to the public.
The new puzzle-platformer Pikuniku is available through Twitch Prime until February 28. However, it isn’t actually out until January 24, so for the next few days you can grab it before it goes on sale. To claim your free games, you’ll just have to link your Twitch Prime account to your Amazon account and then claim the games through the Twitch Prime site.
January’s other Prime games include Hyper Light Drifter, Bomber Crew, Republique, and Orwell. The service is also still offering the Devolver Digital Holiday Pack, which contains The Messenger, Broforce, Hotline Miami, Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, Strafe, Crossing Souls, and The Swords of Ditto. All of those are available until January 31, and once you claim them, they’re yours forever.
«While Pikuniku is a light experience, it’s got enough charm and verve to stick with you well beyond completion,» critic James O’Connor wrote in GameSpot’s Pikuniku review. «From Piku’s weird wobbly gait and looping jumps in the opening right through to the game’s funny, bizarre ending, Pikuniku is more gripping than its simple aesthetic and playful tone would suggest. It’ll make you feel like a kid again.»